DJP Update 11-19-2010 Supplement: A true fix for the SGR Mess! A must read article.
A must read article from Dr. Robert Moffit of the Heritage Foundation
“Time to Clean Up the Medicare Doctor Payment Mess”
See link at my tweet: Here is link:
Alternative link:
The tweet:
Pay mess #Medicare #SGR 23% cut; stop price-fixing; maintain access to care; a solution #hcr
11-11-2010 16 hours ago
I posted a comment on his blog. Why don’t you do the same? Let’s get the word out. Tell Congress to cut the chains!
Here is my post:
Donald J Palmisano MD on November 18th, 2010 at 11:49pm said:
Dr. Robert Moffit has the correct diagnosis and treatment for the Medicare payment mess. Price-fixing and government control will continue to lead to loss of access to care. Allow balance-billing and private contracting between patients and physicians regardless of what Medicare pays. Australia does so.
Imagine if we decided to apply SGR regs to those in Congress and lawyers. These government schemes would vanish. Restore Liberty and eliminate coercion!
Donald J Palmisano MD
Stay well,
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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
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