DJP Update May 31, 2010 Memorial Day – a time to remember & give thanks – Freedom Is Not Free

DJP Update May 31, 2010 Memorial Day – a time to remember & give thanks – Freedom Is Not Free

DJP Comments: Check out the tweets in the last 15 hours. Be sure to reflect on the photo “Freedom Is Not Free” that I did in 2001 at Veterans Memorial Blvd & Causeway Blvd in Metairie, La. in the first tweet below.

And there is a powerful story about a veteran and his love of Country & and his working dogs in war in the third tweet.

Hope you have a wonderful day of remembrance. Freedom is fragile and requires defending. I always thank those in the military when I see them in airports.


Yes, the oil disaster continues and the goo is now on land in Louisiana. This is a time for true leadership and I am thankful Governor Bobby Jindal is the Governor of Louisiana. He demonstrated his skills with Hurricane Gustav and his communication to the residents in Louisiana is outstanding in times of crisis.

A brilliant friend tells me that the long-term effect of this oil disaster is the realization that nuclear energy production will play a large role in America’s future. France generates most of their electricity by nuclear power. He says look for smaller nuclear plants and a dramatic change in how we fuel our cars, trucks, and buses.

As for safety, check out:

“To achieve optimum safety, nuclear plants in the western world operate using a ‘defence-in-depth’ approach, with multiple safety systems supplementing the natural features of the reactor core.”

It would have been nice if that degree of “defence-in-depth” was in effect in the Gulf for deep oil drilling. Of course, regulations and rules are of no value if no one monitors and makes sure the safety precautions are in effect.


#MemorialDay memory “Freedom Is Not Free” photo ©2001 DPalmisano; Metairie La. Korean War Memorial

1 minute ago via Twitpic

Fun to see what writers like & WHY RT @PublishersLunch#plnws Six Writers on Their Favorite Reading

21 minutes ago via Echofon

#MemorialDay memories: Vet thinks of comrades killed in Vietnam & the dogs who saved so many others

40 minutes ago via Echofon

National @WWIImuseum #NOLA celebrates own 10th anniversary, 56th D-Day Normandy, 68th Battle Midway #TP

about 1 hour ago via Echofon

“Presidencies are..about crisis management” ..”feels as though Barry watching from..balcony” @NYTimesDowd

about 15 hours ago via Echofon


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2248 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update 5-29-2010 Recent Tweets re: Memorial Day; BP oil disaster; & Peggy Noonan comments on leadership

DJP Update 5-29-2010 Recent Tweets re: Memorial Day; BP oil disaster; & Peggy Noonan comments on leadership

Tweets in the past 20 hours found at are below.

DJP Comments: I encourage you to go to all of the links. The video “”That’s What We do, We’re Americans” is powerful. Thanks to Dr. Bob Sewell for alerting me about it.

And don’t miss reading VERY CAREFULLY the article in Business Week (Thanks to life-long friend Ray F. for that alert!) In view of the contingency fee system in America, there are two groups who will benefit from the BP disaster, tort lawyers and the politicians they support.

Meanwhile, doctors are price-fixed and politicians use organized Medicine like servants. Think about it. Different rules for different folks. And yet Medicine continues to tolerate that “Animal Farm” scenario. “Some are more equal than others.” And don’t forget, the price-fixing “SGR” still is in effect. What did organized Medicine get for their participation in the disaster in the details bill?


Bad news! Truly a mess. RT @cnnbrk BP says it is abandoning “top kill” effort to stop flow of oil in Gulf.

12 minutes ago via Echofon

Reflect this #MemorialDay: liberty-courage-death & watch video “That’s What We do, We’re Americans”

22 minutes ago via Echofon

Upcoming winners in #BP oil disaster: Tort Lawyers with contingency fees! #BusinessWeek @BW

41 minutes ago via Echofon

Thx! RT @foxnews America’s Valiant Veterans Repose in Cemeteries Worthy of Heroes — Both in the U.S. and Abroad

about 7 hours ago via Echofon

@PeggyNoonannyc writes @WSJopinion “He Was Supposed To Be Competent”; She questions Prez leadership

about 20 hours ago via web

Words of wisdom re #MemorialDay by #MarkHelprin in @WSJopinion

about 20 hours ago via web


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2248 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update 5-27-2007 More on Massachusetts current & possible future approach to med licensure & insur participation; Tweets

DJP Update 5-27-2007 More on Massachusetts current & possible future approach to med licensure & insur participation; Tweets

Massachusetts may be the canary in the coal mine alert system. It is important to monitor what is happening not only with their new health law but the medical licensure tied to insurance participation.

Two issues about Massachusetts and tying medical licensure to mandatory participation in various insurance plans

There appears to be some confusion in the minds of some outside of Massachusetts who circulate information about the situation in Massachusetts. To clarity the issue, I contacted several of my physician friends who have been active in organized medicine and who keep up with the regulations and laws in Massachusetts.

A- Current situation

The 2009 Massachusetts bill tying medical licensure, mandatory acceptance of fees in plans etc did not pass.

Here is what I wrote about the 2009 bill in a letter to a doctor who circulated the 2009 bill as though it was still active:



A comment on the letter that discusses med licensure and mandatory participation in health plans

This certainly is an important issue to monitor and fight against. No one should be forced to be in any payment plan as a condition of medical licensure.

However, the Massachusetts bill that continues to get circulated, SENATE DOCKET, NO. 2188 FILED ON: 7/23/2009, DID NOT PASS into law.

Yet the letter you circulated and this Weblink, , says it is still under review.

The Massachusetts Medical Society opposed the bill.



MMS Issues Strong Opposition to Proposed Legislation Linking Licensure to Participation in Health Plan

November 2, 2009

Contact: Richard P. Gulla

(781) 434-7101

pager: (877) 820-9023

“While we recognize the increasing burden everyone bears with rising health care costs,” Mario Motta, M.D., president of the Massachusetts Medical Society said, “this bill is the wrong approach for too many reasons. It is unfair to physicians and exploits them in the name of health care cost control.”

One provision of the bill requires the participation of physicians and other health care providers in this plan as a condition of licensure.

Dr. Motta said “There should be no law that requires physicians and other providers to follow the dictates of insurers, including rules on limiting care to patients, or risk loss of their professional license. Further, The Board of Registration in Medicine, the state agency responsible for licensing, should not be mandated to revoke any qualified physician’s license on the basis of that physician’s contractual relationship with any insurer.” Dr. Motta pointed out that even Medicare and Medicaid do not tie participation in its plans to a condition of licensure.


When I wrote about this bill some time back in one of my DJP Updates, Dr. Motta wrote me and said the bill has been defeated.

(DJP comments continue) Certainly physicians and medical organizations need to be on the alert for such bills and oppose them. And, of course, AMA should be strongly advocating for the right to privately contract, without penalty. It is part of liberty AND it is AMA policy that is among the highest advocacy priority. Unfortunately it is not being pushed as a high priority as evidenced by ads and other speeches and writings of AMA.




Future Approach: However, there is a 2010 bill. Yesterday, I inquired about it.


What is going on with this latest bill that ties medical licensure to mandatory price-fixing and no balance-billing in Mass? See attached House bill 4452 filed on Jan 10, 2010 by Harriet Stanley. I know the previous bill died but what is going on with this one?

Has Mass Med come out against it?



“That bill appears to be going no where.

Recently it was “attached’ to the budget bill, but we succesfully got that deleted. So.. as of now, not an issue. That is not to say the insurance lobby will not try again at a later time of course.”


BUT it is important for all of us to remember the CURRENT SITUATION IN MASSACHUSETTS. Another dear friend in Massachusetts, Dr. Leonard Morse, a former Chair of AMA CEJA wrote in part:

“Since 1985, the physician’s of Massachusetts must accept Medicare payment as payment in full in order to be licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. I was Chair of the Board then and resigned in protest! A license to practice should be based solely on academic credentials. Other non academic licensing requirements include no balance billing (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) and assurance that a physician has paid his/her state taxes (for starters).”



DJP Comment: Eternal vigilance is in order!

Powerful article by George Will: See first tweet below.

Two short excerpts:

“The theme of his campaign, the genesis of which was an invitation to address a tea party rally, is: “First of all, freedom.” ”

“The most basic right,” Johnson says, “is the right to keep your property.” Remembering the golden age when, thanks to Ronald Reagan, the top income tax rate was 28 percent, Johnson says: “For a brief moment we were 72 percent free.” Johnson’s daughter — now a nurse in neonatal intensive care — was born with a serious heart defect. The operations “when her heart was only the size of a small plum” made him passionate about protecting the incentives that bring forth excellent physicians.


Some Recent Tweets from

Note the tweet about Dr. Constantian’s new book. I wrote about Dr. Mark Constantian speech in my DJP Update 11-23-2009 and gave you a link to one of his speeches about the practice of Medicine:

I recently heard him speak at the Annual PIAA Meeting which was held in Chicago this year. His topic was the new health system reform law. Excellent speech.


Powerful article by #GeorgeWill with Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” analogy: “Running Not Shrugging”

less than 5 seconds ago via web


2 high praise reviews Dr Mark Constantian book, “Rhinoplasty: Craft & Magic” in Plast&Reconst Surg, Apr 2010,Vol125 #4 pp 1288-1290

about 3 hours ago via web

SGR #DocFix still not resolved! Doesn’t anyone in Congress listen! Solution: allow priv contracting & no penalty! Liberty!#hcr

6:31 PM May 26th via web

Let’s hope BP oil spill Gulf doesn’t ruin play in Gulf. Gulf Shores, Ala. 100 miles coast La. affected

6:17 PM May 26th via Twitpic

A possible future: BP oil spill might ruin this recreation along Gulf Coast.

6:11 PM May 26th via Twitpic

Strong view by Dr Scherz! RT @M_P_T Opinion: Why Donald Berwick is Dangerous to Your Health #tcot #hcr

1:50 PM May 26th via Twitter for iPhone

Message to #Hoyer: Stop attacking @BobbyJindal, a true leader, & do your job! RT @Politico Hoyer hits Jindal…

11:57 AM May 26th via web

@gracemarietweet: Thanks for Retweet: RT @DJPNEWS: Gov @BobbyJindal in Foreword my book, “On Leadership…” A leader must step up, risk..

11:43 AM May 26th via web


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2248 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update 5-24-2010 A powerful video by a senior surgical resident regarding health system reform: “Going Galt: When Will Surgeons Say Enough is Enough?”

DJP Update 5-24-2010 A powerful video by a senior surgical resident regarding health system reform: “Going Galt: When Will Surgeons Say Enough is Enough?”

Senior surgical resident Daniel B. Cox, MD of the University of Alabama Medical School posted online his UAB Surgical Grand Rounds Presentation of April 29, 2010.

(Thanks to Katie O. Orrico, Director Washington Office, American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons for alerting me about this video!)

Hope you can take the time to watch it. When the youth in Medicine speak up about their love of Medicine, the desire to help patients, and opposition to government control, it gives me encouragement that Liberty may survive.

You may object to one of his ideas, but surely no one can object to the protection of the patient-physician relationship and getting politicians out of Medicine.

Go to:

I look forward to meeting this freedom-loving dedicated surgeon.

If only AMA had done documentaries and YouTube presentations putting forth the excellent AMA policy that gives real reform and puts the patient in control with the doctor as trusted advisor, the disaster in the details bill that masquerades as health system reform would never have passed. Unfortunately, AMA’s sanction pushed the bad bill over the goal line. In patient safety, when an error is done, the patients want to know what happened and why, what is being done to prevent it from happening again, and finally, they want to hear sorry!

We wait for AMA to acknowledge any mistake, we wait to hear why the mistake was make, and we certainly have not hear Sorry! Instead we get constant emails from AMA praising the law when reality shows otherwise. Yes, gravity exists. It should be acknowledged. But I keep digressing. Perhaps one day a movie producer will do the AMA equivalent of an HBO “TREME” video series (about the TREME neighborhood in New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina). Think about that reference!

Maybe someone will run for president-elect of AMA from the floor in June at the last minute. That should change the debate!

Here are a few of the recent tweets at:

Note the one about AMA blinking. No where do you see AMA advocating in this round of communications about the right to privately contract without penalty!


LSMS has urgent request to docs to help pass La. HB 1404, a local tax exemption physician issue. House floor vote today. Make calls.

about 7 hours ago via Echofon

Game afoot! RT @BreakingNews Repub..Charles Djou wins special election..U.S. House from Hawaii District 1, where Pres. Obama..born – AP

11:34 PM May 22nd via Echofon

AMA blinks! No end price-fix RT @AmerMedicalAssn Short-term interv..temp reprieve..perman..solution..needed #hcr

7:19 AM May 21st via Echofon

Consequences! RT @WSJopinion ..Goodman: Goodbye, Employ..Spon..Insurance: Companies pay fine

7:07 AM May 21st via Echofon

The inevitable result of gov price-fixing #hcr RT @texmedMore Texas doctors dropping Medicare patients

2:13 PM May 18th via Echofon


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2248 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update 5-17-2010 NPSF Congress; Interview that gives Palmisano view Health System Reform, plaintiff attorneys & AMA

DJP Update 5-17-2010 NPSF Congress; Interview that gives Palmisano view Health System Reform, plaintiff attorneys & AMA

ITEM ONE: NPSF Patient Safety Congress

Now in Orlando, Florida for the annual Congress of the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF). I serve on the Board of Governors. NPSF is an organization that AMA was a key player in the formation in 1997 as one of the Founding Sponsors. AMA gave one million dollars to help get it launched. That was a good decision! Wish AMA used that judgment in the health system reform debate rather than helping pass a disaster law.

Check out the schedule at:

ITEM TWO: Palmisano view Health System Reform, Plaintiff attorneys, and AMA.

For those who continue to ask, here is a summary of my perspective on health system reform. But to the regular readers of DJP Update, I repeat myself!

Below is the tweet I sent today that gives the Weblink to my interview published April 2010 in Modern Medicine. As the current health system reform law unfolds, I still believe the view in that interview is the way to go rather than the current law that will fail in its present form.



#Palmisano interview #ModernMedicine April 27, 2010 – my view on health system reform #hcr #AMA

32 minutes ago via web


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2241 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update 5-14-2010 Breaking news on “Doc Fix” and the price-fixing SGR – NO PERMANENT FIX! And more bad news about health law. See tweet.

DJP Update 5-14-2010 Breaking news on “Doc Fix” and the price-fixing SGR – NO PERMANENT FIX! And more bad news about health law. See tweet.

Just got word from a reliable source as I wait in Houston airport trying to get back home. No permanent fix for SGR!

Of course, the real fix is to allow doctors and patients to privately contract WITHOUT penalty (no being forced out of Medicare for two years!). And that is AMA policy for many years (since 1993) and since November 2009 it is voted by AMA House of Delegates to be among AMA’s highest advocacy priorities.

AMA should be taking out ads, doing radio and TV and pointing out the system is melting down. Every specialty should join forces on this issue stating that balance-billing is needed. Private contracting without penalty is necessary! Access to care is at risk!

My source tells me the item up for consideration is a continuation of the SGR with another temporary fix. Maybe up to 5 years. But even that is not assured of passage.

And then there would be a guaranteed 32% payment cut written into the law for 2015. It appears the goal is to then move to bundled payments etc and eliminate “fee-for-service”.

Time to cut the chains! This is about liberty. Don’t accept a longer chain and more time in the prison exercise yard. Doctors don’t belong under the control of government. Currently, doctors are the victims of this injustice because the doctors sanction it and continue to genuflect to the power brokers in Congress.

I repeat: Disaster in the details in the health bill continues to unfold as I predicted. At least let us find a way to keep the doctors in practice. If the current leadership doesn’t go all out for the doctors, change the leadership. That includes the AMA leadership and Congress. Time to end the failed approach.

Meanwhile, more bad news about the consequences of the health bill. For the record, this law is cited as:

The “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (P.L. 111-148), enacted on March 23,

2010 and amended shortly thereafter by the “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of

2010” (P.L. 111-152) as enacted on March 30, 2010.

See this Retweet I did today to learn more bad news.


!! RT @galeninstitute ..bad news about #ObamaCare just keeps coming #tcot#hcr #hc #healthreform#healthcare

about 5 hours ago via Echofon


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2241 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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DJP Update May 13, 2010 Cari and Rob Show today Noon Central and more on “Doc fix” and health system reform & CBO; PIAA etc.

DJP Update May 13, 2010 Cari and Rob Show today Noon Central and more on “Doc fix” and health system reform & CBO; PIAA etc.

In Chicago at the Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA) meeting. Leadership Camp was yesterday and Annual Meeting today through Saturday. Looking forward to talk by the talented Dr. Mark B. Constantian, MD, FACS this morning. His topic is “Reading Between the Lines of Healthcare Reform.” You will recall him from a previous DJP Update. Many other fine talks scheduled.

If time permits, listen in to my interview on the Cari And Rob Show today. See Internet link and time below in tweet. They may have Podcast posted there later.

Next week, I will attend the Annual Congress of The National Patient Safety Foundation in Orlando.

Off to the meeting now!

Wait, one more thing: CBO revises estimate on cost of new health legislation. More expensive! No kidding. You haven’t seen anything yet. Now over a trillion.

CBO Letter:

Some recent tweets from DJPNEWS at:


I will be on @CariAndRob Show Thur May13 11:00 am MDT (12CDT) live on Internet at: topic#hcr & #DocFix

about 8 hours ago via web

Gov pushes for draconian price-fixing docs=loss of access; Need #liberty to balance-bill; listen DC! #hcr

about 24 hours ago via web

#GraceMarieTurner Op-Ed #IBD more disaster in details new health law. #hcr

9:27 AM May 11th via Echofon

RT @WSJopinion Epstein: ObamaCare’s Phony Medicaid ‘Deal’: health law unconstitutionally coerces the states.

11:12 AM May 10th via Echofon

Liberty = sacrifice and courage as documented in the excellent HBO series “The Pacific”. Freedom is not free. Thanks USA military!

11:55 PM May 9th via Echofon

One can’t continue deliver service for pay less than cost RT @texmed Medicare Meltdown: What Mass. Physicians Are Saying

5:26 PM May 7th via Echofon

Hmm.. RT @galeninstitute #ObamaCare..supposed..expand#healthcare.Instead, companies..forced to cut it - #tcot #hcr #hc

2:04 PM May 7th via Echofon

Attack saying “AMA wants to muzzle your doctor”; but AMA never muzzled me re my criticism nor did they try.

11:05 PM May 6th via web

New health system law #hcr: “Ugly future”? see “According to Plan” #IBD

10:47 PM May 6th via web


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates. Twitter is free and takes minutes to join. Put email in and pick password. Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it. You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.

Here is a sample recent tweet from DJPNEWS:

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax

This DJP Update goes to 2241 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update” To get off the list, state “Remove DJP Update”. Best to put in Subject line so I can do immediately.

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