DJP Update 3-12-2015 Books by doctors on the DJP Update list plus one blog.
Here are 4 doctors on the DJP Update list who recently wrote books. Take a look!
1- Dr. Susan Adelman
Many of you know Susan, a pediatric surgeon in Michigan, from her time on the AMA Board.
Here in part is what Susan wrote me in her latest email of March 2, 2015:
Don, we always enjoy receiving your emails, and Marty reminds me every time how much he used to enjoy meeting you and Robin.
I wanted to bring you up to date on my book, The Rebel: A biography of Ram Jethmalani. Ram is, at 91, the most famous living lawyer in India, the most senior member of Parliament, a former law minister, one of the major figures behind formation of the National Law Schools of India, and has been the head of the Ram Jethmalani Kashmir Committee, which has mediated successfully between the rebels in Kashmir, Pakistan, and India. Practicing law in India since Partition, he has argued many, many of the landmark cases in the last 70 years, and certainly many of the most controversial. I had to learn how to read and analyze cases from the Indian courts in order to write the book (Marty just smiled and told me to read carefully. He would not help, except with questions.) Google him – you will be amazed at what you find. The forward is by the immediate past Chief Justice of India. Published in December by Penguin Random House in Delhi, it is cobranded with the mark of Shobhaa De, herself an author (very famous in India) of 18 books, a former model, magazine editor, and major newspaper columnist.
We launched the book at the Times of India Literary Festival in Mumbai on December 5, and now the Delhi launch has just been scheduled for April 11 in Delhi, hosted by the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, I just received word that the book has gone into a second printing. I would love to get the word out about the book to all my friends at the AMA, but I do not have the mailing list. Could you include something about it in your next mailing? How else would you suggest I let everyone know about it? After all, this is what a former AMA BOT member does after the AMA!
Here it is at Amazon with the info about it there:
Ram Jethmalani has been called many things a legal legend, a wizard of the law and a magnet for controversy with a knack for defending the most notorious figures in India. With a career spanning the entire history of independent India, and still going strong, he has managed to command respect and evoke anger in equal measure. But did you know that he is the most pro-Israel politician in Asia; one of the founders of the prestigious National School of Law, Bangalore; one of the first to raise the issue of corruption in India; founder of the Sunday Guardian in the late eighties, one of the longest-serving parliamentarians; and that he is married to two wives at the same time?
In The Rebel: A Biography of Ram Jethmalani, Susan Adelman, a longtime friend, presents the most updated, authentic and detailed account of his life. Peppered with personal accounts, unknown facets of his life and insider titbits, the book reveals the man behind the larger-than-life persona of Ram Jethmalani.
2- Dr. Robert Sade
Bob is a former Chair of The AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) as well as former Chief, Section Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina (1974-1995) The new book he edited is THE ETHICS OF SURGERY. Full CV at:
Book is available at The Oxford University Press at:
Bob states: “That’s where the 30% discount is available, using the promotional code AMPROMD9. It’s also available on and barnes and noble but without the discount. Thanks for adding it to your update.”
The Ethics of Surgery
Conflicts and Controversies
Edited by Robert M. Sade, M.D.
Surgical ethics was only recently recognized as a subdivision of biomedical ethics; few other books specifically address this field.
Most of the articles in the book are debates, a format that emphasizes the wide range of controversies that characterize contemporary biomedical ethics.
Most of the authors of the papers are surgeons, giving a real-world cast to the discussions and arguments; the exchanges are enriched by an admixture of lawyers, sociologists, philosophers and others with expertise in ethics.
Amazon info re book states:
According to popular belief, technical skill is far more important for surgeons than thoughtful deliberation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although surgeons must sometimes make decisions rapidly on the basis of incomplete evidence and must respond to unexpected catastrophes in the operating room rapidly, those events are intermittent – most of the time surgeons deliberate on diagnostic problems and thoughtfully manage postoperative care, which is often intellectually challenging.
The relationship of surgeons with their patients is, in a real sense, far more intimate and trusting than that of any other professional, a claim that is supported by the fact that patients surrender their bodies to their surgeons in a state of total helplessness and vulnerability when they undergo anesthesia. Because of that responsibility, no other professional group has a greater sense of dedication to the welfare of their patients than surgeons.
Surgical culture is deeply steeped in ethics, and surgeons confront and resolve ethical dilemmas as much or more than most other professionals, although they often may not recognize the situations they resolve are problems in ethics – they are just part of the daily routine. This book is a compendium of articles from the recent surgical literature that address ethical issues chosen by surgeons because they are controversial and pertinent to the practice of surgery. The reader will not find a great deal of sophisticated dissection of fine philosophical distinctions in these discussions of ethical conflicts and controversies in surgery. Instead, they will discover differing viewpoints from thoughtful essayists, mostly surgeons, whose feet are firmly in contact with the ground and who have extensive experience in the real world of surgery, medicine, and law.
DJP Comment: I first learned of Robert M. Sade, MD when I read his article in the New England Journal of Medicine many years ago. It was entitled:
Sade RM. Medical care as a right: A refutation. New England J Med 1971; 285:1288-1292. 21. Another article on the same topic is at:
I wrote the NEJM in 1971 when I read that article and NEJM said the response to the article with letters to the editor was the largest they had ever received and they could not accept any additional letters for publication. I quoted Dr. Sade’s article when I testified to Congress in 1976 during the hearings on National Health Insurance.
3. Dr. Robert Sewell
Dr Sewell has 4 books, A Surgeon’s Heart: The Calling; The Conflict; The Crisis; and The Choice. More info at:
Dr. Sewell states at the Website:
“The product of this effort is a series of novels entitled “A Surgeon’s Heart”, which features a fictional pediatric heart surgeon, Dr. Jack Roberts, his family and his circle of friends and colleagues. It can best be summed up as the epic love story of a man for his profession, and all that that entails.”
Dr. Sewell’s books also are available at Amazon:
4. Dr. Rob Tenery
A blog by another former Chair of CEJA, Dr. Rob Tenery, is at . He doesn’t hesitate to take on controversial topics. See:
He also has an ebook: In Search of Medicine’s Moral Compass. See:
I am happy to share information about the hard work of these doctors. They obviously have a passion for the message they share. Writing and publishing requires a lot of work. I can attest to that from the experience with my books:
LAGNIAPPE: Many thanks to all who read about the campaign by Medical Association of Georgia Foundation in recent DJP Update and contributed money for the “TEAM TO THING ABOUT IT” campaign to fight Rx Drug Abuse. Greatly appreciated. The money goal of fund raising has been exceeded and continues to rise! Special thanks to Dr. Anonymous.
DJP Jr. begins his continuous 100 mile run on August 28. Wishing him and his colleague, outside counsel Trey Reese who runs the next 100 miles, great success and SAFETY.
Stay well,
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)
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