DJP Update 9-11-2001 Terrorist attacks in America…

DJP AMA Update 9-11-2001

This e-mail contains two items:

ITEM ONE: Terrorist attacks in America

ITEM TWO: AMA President recovering from operation of last week

Hit delete if not interested.

Best regards and be on the alert and stay safe!


Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

AMA Secretary-Treasurer



ITEM ONE: Terrorist attacks in America

Former Senator Monihan once said in the United Nations “The World is a dangerous place.”  Events of today again confirm that view.

Word from AMA Headquarters is that AMA employees at all offices and board members are safe.  I hope the same is true for your loved ones.

Dr. Ron Davis was in Washington, DC on AMA business, Dr. Duane Cady was in New York City, and Dr. John Knote was traveling.  My flight to Washington, DC today – to give AMA testimony on privacy- was canceled.  Dr. Tim Flaherty is in London and is safe.  Staff and Board leadership are in communication.  The AMA Washington, DC office and the New Jersey offices are closed.  Our AMA Headquarters in Chicago is open.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those killed or injured by the acts of evil people.  We have had disasters in our history and America always has risen to the occasion with honor and bravery.  I know we will do the same as a result of the dastardly acts of today.  Today we are ONE as AMERICANS, not divided into Democrats, Republicans, or Independents.

ITEM TWO: AMA President recovering from operation of last week

Dr. Richard Corlin, AMA President, had a pulmonary lesion removed at operation last week.  It was a BENIGN carcinoid.  I talked by phone with Dr. Corlin last night at his home. He was in good spirits.  He gave me permission to notify my pen pals of his operation and diagnosis.  We expect him back soon.  He obviously is not going to let this operation slow him down.

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