DJP Update 1-30-2013 Tweets, Medical Meetings, Mardi Gras, and Superbowl; R.I.P. Paul Naccari, MD

DJP Update 1-30-2013 Tweets, Medical Meetings, Mardi Gras, and Superbowl; R.I.P. Paul Naccari, MD

1- TWITTER:  Here is another DJP Update.  Not as many updates as in past because I post daily on Twitter @DJPNEWS – So far, I have done 7,454 tweets.

Once again, I recommend you get on Twitter even if you don’t post tweets.  It is a terrific way to get the news on any topic you are interested in.  Just follow individuals who tweet about a subject you like.
For example, if there is a reporter you like, follow the reporter and you will get tweets giving links to breaking news long before you hear about it on TV or radio.  Reporters like to spread the news quickly!

As I have mentioned in past, the book that tells you all you need to know about getting started on Twitter is available via bookstores and on Amazon:

The Twitter Book [Paperback]Tim O’Reilly (Author), Sarah Milstein (Author)
4.8 out of 5

Here are a few recent tweets of mine, including some retweets of the writings of others.    Remember, a tweet is limited to 140 characters.  THE TWITTER BOOK recommends you limit the tweet to 125 characters so that others can add comments with a retweet.

Fun tweet:  If you are a bird watcher, be sure to check out the sound collection immediately below!  Click on link in tweet.

Wonderful collection sounds #birds – #frogs – #insects – #mammals #nature #music #video – Thanks to MEP for alert!
1/29/13 6:51 PM


Broken medical liability system. More evidence + 82% closed no payment and Dr wins 87% trials. Lawyers benefit most.
1/29/13 3:31 PM

Great! #wisdom RT @sonodoc99: @DJPNEWS 10 #Leadership Nuggets from Abraham Lincoln | LinkedIn
1/29/13 11:31 AM

#NOLA #SuperBowl RT @NOLASaintsNewz: (Yahoo Sports) Mayor: New Orleans deserves Super Bowl spotlight (@AP ) #saints
1/28/13 9:06 PM

Go to to read more

2- Medical Meetings

A- I gave the keynote address at the Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) January 18, 2013 in Houston at the Petroleum Club.  Topic: Leadership.  Nice folks at this county medical society.  It is the largest county medical society in the world.

Russell W. H. Kridel, MD, FACS was installed as president of HCMS.  He gave a wonderful inauguration speech and I hope he publishes it.  In June 2012, Russ was elected chair-elect of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Council on Science and Public Health.

Lagniappe was the invocation delivered by Dr. John Graham, a Tulane Medical School classmate who now is an episcopal priest.  Great seeing John.  He informed me he will be in New Orleans for the 50-year celebration of our medical school class in May.  Time flies when one is having fun!

B- This past weekend was the annual meeting of the Louisiana State Medical Society (LSMS).  It was fun seeing everyone and going to the past presidents’ dinner and catching up with these fine people.
Dr. Vincent (Van) A. Culotta, Jr. was installed as the 2013 president of the LSMS.  Van has done great work with the medical society and the Louisiana legislature.  Nice to see him get the recognition he deserves for his leadership.  He will be at AMA meetings as part of the LSMS Delegation.

3- Mardi Gras and Superbowl
Superbowl in Superdome in New Orleans:  Sunday February 3, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. New Orleans time (Central) and 6:30 p.m. (Eastern)
More info at:  and

Mardi Gras:  Tuesday, February 12, 2013.  Parades and parties already started!

The city is full of activity with the start of the Mardi Gras celebrations and the arrival of the teams and crowds for the Superbowl!  The Ravens are staying at the Hilton Riverside and the 49ers are at the Marriott on Canal Street.  Check out the story in the last tweet above.  If you are coming to town, don’t forget to check out my restaurant list at:

This is a new restaurant I am adding, Annunciation.  It is outstanding.  My surgical partner, Dr. Jim Brown and his wife Pat, recommended this place to me and Robin and I have been there several times.
Annunciation Restaurant
In Warehouse district.  “Updated” Creole style. Excellent.
1016 Annunciation
New Orleans, La.
(504) 568-0245

4- Media
There was an article today in The Wall Street Journal about employed physicians and unions.

Fox News (Fox and Friends) called me today and asked me to be on the show tomorrow, Thursday, to comment on the article.  However, because of the activity with the Superbowl, no studios are available locally.  All booked up.  Interestingly also is the limo service Fox uses is completely booked up for transportation to and from studio.  I had planned to point out that the doctor responsibility is to the patient.  Collective bargaining can be of value for employed physicians who are not supervisors BUT the patient can never be held hostage.  I always make the point that my 6 commandments should not be broken:  SEC-C + 2.  Science, Ethics, Compassion, and Courage PLUS – Always do what is in the patient’s best interest, and – Do it with the patient’s informed consent.

Other items can be negotiated but never at the expense of the patient.  Thus I will not be on Fox in morning.  This points out to me the need to move faster with my plans to have a studio set up at home in my attic where I have an office and do my book writing.  With the new high-speed cable Wi-Fi I had installed and the studio microphone I am ordering, it becomes possible to broadcast worldwide using Skype.  I plan to get that technology completed in my attic and then can do media from home.  Innovation is exciting.  It is possible to take a picture of the background where you are seated and then have the computer substitute any other image you want instead as the background.  Thus my attic office can show in the background the Mississippi River bridge: The Crescent City Connection (CCC), formerly the Greater New Orleans Bridge or the Superdome.  Fun!

5- R.I.P. Paul Francis Naccari Jr., MD.  Robin and I attended the funeral today of Dr. Naccari.  He was one of the first physicians in Eastern New Orleans and on the board of Methodist Hospital in the East, the hospital destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.  Our time on Earth is short and physicians spend much of the time caring for patients.  One such physician has left us.  His medical practice partner, Dr. Terry Segura, gave a beautiful eulogy:  Eloquent, organized, and from the heart.

Stay well,

Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

Twitter:  @DJPNEWS

YouTube:  Check out the videos.  You can post your views on your own YouTube site.

This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

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