DJP Update April 16, 2020 – 1- A simple way to increase speed in your WiFi with this amazing invention. 2- My new book… plus a READER MEETS AUTHOR session April 30

DJP Update April 16, 2020 – 1- A simple way to increase speed in your WiFi with this amazing invention. 2- My new book is now being delivered despite COVID-19 plus a READER MEETS AUTHOR session April 30.

1- If you need faster speed for WiFi, this is one answer: Powerline adapter.
Our modem and router for Cox cable WiFi are in 2nd floor library. Fast WiFi speed there of 100 Mbps or more download. But in other parts of house slow or absence. Installed 2 Nighthawk Extenders, one in 1st floor den and one on 3rd floor in converted attic for writing and photography. First floor den works fine for Internet speed but still problems on 3rd floor and other parts of house.  To check the speech of your WiFi, download an app such as Net Analyzer or Speedtest or you just can go directly go website of Speedtest:

I asked Bart Colosino, my webmaster, about new modem and router models (mine are very old) and he recomnended some but suggested I try the Powerline Adapters for Ethernet first. However, I do not have wall ethernet jacks.  The Powerline adapters solve the problem.
I bought two “XyXEL Pass-Thru Ethernet Adapters HD Powerline Adapters 2000” from Amazon and they are amazing. Connect ethernet cable to back of router in one of the ethernet ports and other end into Powerline device that plugs into electrical wall socket. (Bart and the company cautioned not to use a circuit breaker between device and wall socket. That slows speed down a lot.)

Installation took only a few minutes. Takes 2 seconds at each device to activate encryption by holding one button for 2 seconds and then same button on other device for 2 seconds. Do this simple encryption connection in the same room.  Then you leave one of the devices in the electrical outlet connected with ethernet cable to the router.  The other device can be plugged into any electrical outlet in any room in the house.  Amazing invention!

Then connect ethernet cable to computer and it works!  Turn off wifi on computer and the wire connection takes over.

Internet speed on 3rd floor went from absence or 5 Mbps download to 127 Mbps download!  The connection is traveling via the electrical wires in the house.  No need to install ethernet cabling inside walls.
Price for a set of 2 with electrical connection on outside is $84.99 at AMAZON.  Link showing device and more information:

I recommend that you get CAT8 version of ethernet cable to connect from Powerline device to your computer.  If you have a newer model of Apple Mac computer with the Thunderbolt 3 ports and no ethernet port, just get an accessory adapter that has Thunderbolt 3 on one end and ethernet port on other end.  That is what I did for my 2018 MacBook Pro 13”.  On my 2009 MacBook Pro 15” there is an ethernet port on it.
A link to a connecting cable to connect ethernet cable to MacBook Thunderbolt 3 port:
For an illustration how this Powerline invention works, go to these two links:

Here is a YouTube video that explains the Powerline technology:

Plus an article from ZyXEL:

Please let me know if you find this type of information about gadgets of value.

2- My new book, A LEADER’S GUIDE TO GIVING A MEMORABLE SPEECH, published April 7, is now being delivered in the print edition following delay because of COVID-19.  Friends wrote that Amazon delivered the print copy of the book this week.  The electronic versions, Amazon’s KINDLE and Barnes & Noble’s NOOK etc. have been available since April 7.  I completed my video casting studio with a lot of help from Robin!  It is in the 2nd floor library of our home.  I have some high-tech equipment and the audio and high definition are great.  With the new fast speed connection of ethernet to Internet, there should not be any lag in image.  Plan to use ZOOM as the connection software but also can use SKYPE if studio requires it.  Will use this equipment for interviews and for teaching at Tulane Medical School.  And yes, if you enjoy my book, please write a great review on Amazon, etc.  My next book may be the journey to publishing a book and dealing with all of the drama to get the book recognized after publication, especially after a pandemic!  Just kidding!  Before I depart this Earth, I believe I have one novel in me, a suspense thriller!

UPCOMING SOUTHERN INDEPENDENT BOOKSELLERS ALLIANCE (SIBA) Live Video Meeting READER MEETS AUTHOR featuring my book on April 30 at 3 pm Central (4 pm Eastern). Connection information will be available from Garden District Book Shop soon for those who wish to attend the ZOOM meeting.  Their phone number in New Orleans is 504-895-2266 for more information.  They can send you the connection link and  password by email after you register.  If you don’t have ZOOM, don’t worry.  It can download instantly when you sign up for a ZOOM meeting.  ZOOM recently updated all of its security measures. I will use my new videocasting studio to discuss my book and answer questions.

Thanks for your time!
Stay safe.  Stay well.
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS

Donald J Palmisano Consulting



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DJP Update 4-7-2020: 1- Thanks to all medical professionals and the staff on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic! 2- Book launch in the midst of a pandemic!

DJP Update 4-7-2020: 1- Thanks to all medical professionals and the staff on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic!

The work of the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and all who assist in caring and transport and cleaning the facilities deserve our praise and admiration.  They are acting in the highest tradition of the medical profession.  Proud of them!  Of course, the first responders are appreciated greatly and that includes the police and fire departments.

On a local level, I appreciate the work of our Louisiana State Medical Society and the Orleans Parish and Jefferson Parish Medical Societies who are keeping us informed on medical issues during this pandemic.  Orleans and Jefferson Parish Medical Societies are holding ZOOM (optional phone call in) 1.5 hour conferences where physicians can speak to treating physicians on the front lines as well as health department physicians and other advisors.  Communication is essential during a crisis and leadership demands it.  I give them high marks.  Tonight we just finished another ZOOM session. Experience trumps theory in a crisis.

I tell friends also to go to trusted sources for updated information such as the CDC .  And pay attention to the daily medical updates by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( NAIAD) and Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.

Listen to the experts.  Avoid rumors on social media.  Scams and misinformation may reside there.

Give a call to friends and loved ones.  Don’t let those you care for get lonely.

We will get through this just like we did with disasters like Hurricane Katrina, World Wars, and more.  If the world stopped focusing on shame and blame and focused on the root cause of problems and how to fix them, improvement would occur sooner.

2. The book!
If you had to pick a time to launch a new book, it would not be during a deadly pandemic!  But the crystal ball was out of order and today, April 7, 2020, is the official release of my new book, A LEADER’S GUIDE TO GIVING A MEMORABLE SPEECH.  All preorders were scheduled to be delivered today!  However, AMAZON, as one example, sent the following out by email today:

AMAZON Shipment Delay
“Hello,We’re encountering a delay in shipping your order. We’ll make every effort to get the delayed item to you as soon as possible. If you still want this item, please confirm below. We apologize for the delay.”

All of you nice folks who ordered a copy or multiple copies as gifts, please do not cancel the order!  Meanwhile, order a Kindle copy and start reading now.  The print copy will arrive in the future. I ordered both a print copy and a Kindle copy in January just to see when they would arrive.  The Kindle copy arrived at 12:01 am this morning as promised for a delivery date of April 7.  I initially got a note that the print copy would arrive tonight at 11 pm.  However, later today I got the notice about further delay.

All of you who are giving interviews about the pandemic because of your leadership position would find helpful tips in the book.  Remember, in a crisis, it is especially important for leaders to give memorable speeches.  I have a chapter devoted to that topic in the book.

Don’t forget that you can see a list of the chapters, the prepublication reviews, and the great FOREWORD by the NYTimes bestselling author, Tess Gerritsen, at:  




Well, that is it.  Hope you don’t mind the repeat promotion of the book but these are unusual times and friends understand.  Looks like the quest for 7,500-10,000 copies sold in the first week of publication to make the bestseller list is almost an impossible goal with the pandemic.  However, as my beloved Dad said and you heard me say it many times in my speeches, DO YOUR HOMEWORK, HAVE COURAGE, AND DON’T GIVE UP!.  Well, I am not giving up.  My home TV interview studio is almost complete as the last of the equipment arrived today.  YouTube is a wonderful teacher if you don’t have an electrical engineering degree!  The goal will be to encourage interviews on the topic of how to give a memorable speech during a crisis.
Thanks for your time!

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS

Donald J Palmisano Consulting



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DJP Update 4-3-2020: AMA Meeting suspended; Latest Interview

1- AMA June 2020 Annual Meeting suspended because of pandemic
2- Interview “Special Considerations for Communicating With Colleagues and Patients: COVID-19”

1- AMA June 2020 Annual Meeting suspended because of COVID-19 pandemic

Excerpt from email sent by AMA Speaker and Board Chair today:
“Given the current pandemic and the demands upon our physicians and healthcare system, combined with government mandates prohibiting large-scale gatherings in Chicago and continuing restrictions on travel throughout the country, your AMA Board of Trustees has declared that an emergency condition exists per Section 13.1 of our AMA Bylaws and that the planned regular June 2020 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates is therefore suspended.”
“Your Board will continue to monitor the evolving situation and we anticipate convening a Special Meeting of the House of Delegates–a limited virtual meeting to conduct essential business and transition leadership–when conditions have improved and a quorum can reasonably be achieved.”
Bruce A. Scott, MD, Speaker, House of Delegates

Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, Chair AMA Board

2- Interview from afar re communication during a crisis

Here is the future.  Communicating with news organizations, including TV, radio, print, and Internet companies via computer, modem, and streaming camera.  It is being done now, of course, but the future will have lots more of it.  Many techniques to learn to have the interview look professional.
My home high-tech TV and Radio interview setup is not complete yet.  The interview below did not have my latest high-tech equipment installed yet.  However, the studio will be completed by next week, the same time my new book is released on April 7. Hard to find a high-quality streaming video camera as all sold out.  Finally got one ordered last night (the last one available by buying a package deal with headphones).  ZOOM was the vehicle for the interview connection.  Incidentally, I am using ZOOM and my current setup to teach at Tulane Medical School.  Today I participated in a 2-hour session with other professors and the medical students.

The following interview is with Peggy Peck, the outstanding reporter and now Editor-In-Chief of BreakingMed.

Peggy Peck


“Peggy Peck’s work received national recognition and awards from the American Association of Healthcare Journalists, the American Association of Business Press Editors, The Jesse H. Neal Awards, and Medical Marketing and Media. Her byline has appeared in Internal Medicine News, Family Practice News, Physicians’ Management, Modern Medicine, Medical Tribune, The New York Times Medical News Service, UPI, Reuters, WebMD, and Medscape.”The Interview 3-30-2020:

Special Considerations for Communicating With Colleagues and Patients: Covid-19
Exclusive video interview with Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, author of “A Leader’s Guide to Giving a Memorable Speech” and former President of the American Medical Association
Stay safe!
P.S. Tough to market a new book with book signings and TV interviews cancelled because of COVID-19.  Goal is to get some interviews via new streaming setup at home!  Much appreciation if you can spread the word about the book, A LEADER’S GUIDE TO GIVING A MEMORABLE SPEECH.  Hope the folks who ordered from Amazon get the book on the promised delivery date of April 7.  Only time will tell.  Incidentally, I mentioned in the interview 3-30-2020 the memorable speech by Queen Elizabeth discussed in my book chapter on memorable speeches by women. I quoted from it.  Then yesterday, April 2, Peggy Noonan wrote column in Wall Street Journal using that speech with essentially the same quote as an example of a powerful speech in a crisis.  Quite a coincidence!
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Donald J Palmisano Consulting

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