DJP Update 2-21-2001 Happy Mardi Gras!

DJP Update 2-21-2001 Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras!

This e-mail has nothing to do with AMA.  It is info about Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  Hit delete if not interested.

Best regards,


Happy Mardi Gras.  Tomorrow is “Fat Tuesday” in New Orleans, sometimes known as The Crescent City or  the Big Easy or the City That Care Forgot.

Mardi Gras is billed as the greatest free show on earth.

This year CNN’s Larry King is the King of Bacchus.

Below are some web sites that contain info about Mardi Gras, photos, and live cam cameras.

Caveat: Use discretion with the live videos from Bourbon Street.  Sometimes the scenes get a little wild in the French Quarter as evidenced by the last excerpt.

Best regards,


for Mardi Gras photos

excerpt from this site:

“Police Relax Flashing Rules! New Orleans Police say they’ll let partiers walk on the wild side in the French Quarter this Mardi Gras. Last year, officers were overwhelmed when they tried to crack down on the female flashers …., primarily women lifting their shirts for strings of beads. Police Superintendent Richard Pennington said that this year, officers are being instructed to make arrests only when bare breasts pose a threat to public safety… “Have a good time,” Pennington said, “but please don’t overdo it.” ”

End of excerpt.

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