DJP Update 4-8-2012 1-Happy Easter! Happy Passover! 2- DJP speech at AMA November 2011

1-Happy Easter! Happy Passover!  May you have reflection, peace, and appreciation on these important days of remembrance.

2- DJP speech at AMA November 2011

At the Interim Meeting of the AMA, held in November 2011 in New Orleans, I was invited to give a speech on leadership to the Organized Medical Staff Section, an important group represented in the AMA House of Delegates.
AMA has informed me that AMA has posted that speech on the Internet and it can be used for CME credit.  AMA also informed me that it is free to AMA members but non-AMA members are charged $75.00.  All fees go to AMA.

Here is a note from Kathryn Tinney at AMA.  You can contact her if you have any questions should you decide to watch and listen to the speech and have any problems online: or 312.464.5450.
The program is now live. Here is the link
At that link you will find this:

Approved for 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM

Doing the Right Thing for Our Patients- Leading as a Professional
Presented by the Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS) of the American Medical Association. As the influence of health care reform unfolds, the role of physicians and their organizations will inevitably change. Given these changes, the relationship between physicians and their hospitals or physician organization will alter as a result. More physicians are becoming employed or under contract with an organization. Physicians will need to serve as leaders more now than ever to ensure the highest quality of care and value is provided in their communities and to protect the patient-physician relationship. Should you have any questions regarding this activity please contact Katie Tinney at or 312.464.5450.

Donald Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS – Clinical professor of surgery, Clinical professor of medical jurisprudence, Tulane University School of Medicine and Former president of AMA.
I sent a handout of background information regarding leadership for the attending audience.  The speech was extemporaneous without following a PowerPoint or printed outline.  There was time for Q & A.  The questions were good.  In the video that I watched online, the 2nd question about another alternative to Medicare was heard but for some reason my response is missing and when you hear me speak I am answering the 3rd question regarding patient safety but the 3rd question is not heard on the video.  I notified Katie Tinney and she will investigate.  Perhaps the video had to be edited at the end to make it shorter in the Q & A portion but it is confusing for that one section.  In the main talk, I give the lagniappe regarding my prediction that the U.S. Supreme Court would take up PPACA and also that it would be ruled unconstitutional by 5-4.
My point in the speech is one has to be a leader and do what is in the patient’s best interest.  Don’t just accept dictates from government if you believe they hurt patients.

Check it out if time permits.

Stay well.

Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to over 2400 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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DJP Update 4-4-2012 Sign the petition! Medicare Patient Empowerment Act (HR 1700 & S. 1492)

DJP Update 4-4-2012 Sign the petition!  Medicare Patient Empowerment Act (HR 1700 & S. 1492)

Time for leadership!  Tell folks to stop grousing around the coffeepot and take a positive step to maintain access to care.

Get everyone to sign the petition.  Also contact your elected officials to co-sponsor the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act (HR 1700 and S. 1492).

The petition is available at:

Remember, the old advice: “You can’t make it up in volume if you lose money on every sale!”  What good is an insurance card for the patient if the patient can’t find a doctor to accept the price-fixing of Medicare (and Medicaid!)?  Australia, in its Medicare system, allows doctors and patients to negotiate the “gap” regardless of the government amount allocated for the treatment.


Seniors today who want to see a doctor who does NOT accept Medicare must pay entirely out of their own pocket. Fortunately, legislation has been introduced in Congress (HR.1700/S.1042) that would allow patients to use their current Medicare coverage to help cover the cost of seeing a non-Medicare doctor. For visits to these doctors, Medicare would pay the amount it typically covers today, with the patient paying the doctor directly for the difference between what Medicare pays and what the doctor charges. Seniors would be informed of any additional costs before seeking treatment.
This issue is about allowing seniors to see any doctor they choose and still take advantage of their Medicare benefits.  Help build momentum on Capitol Hill to pass HR.1700/S.1042 and sign our petition to Congress on this important issue.

Medicare Patient Empowerment Act

Rep. Tom Price, MD (R-GA) introduced H.R. 1700, the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act, on May 3, 2011
(see summary). This bill, in line with AMA policy, would allow Medicare patients and their physicians to enter into private contracts without penalty to either party. It would enable beneficiaries to use their Medicare benefits to see physicians who do not accept Medicare, as opposed to paying for the entire cost of their care out-of-pocket as required under current law. On May 22, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced S. 1042, the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act, in the Senate.


Stay well.

Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to over 2400 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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