DJP Update 8-27-2011 Hurricane advice! #IRENE

DJP Update 8-27-2011 Hurricane advice!  #IRENE (posted 1:04 p.m. Central on 8-27-2001)

Below are some of my recent tweets about Hurricane Irene and suggestions for safety.  My experience comes from living in New Orleans all of my life except for my tour of duty with United States Air Force.

Key pointers:

1- follow advice of authorities to evacuate when told to do so.  Possessions can be replaced; not so with life.

2- realize that unless you have been in a major hurricane, it is difficult to imagine all of the unexpected bad things that can happen in addition to flooding of home, loss of electrical power, intense heat in newer construction because of sealed nature and reliance on air conditioning that no longer works, flying debris, tornados spawned by hurricane, and of course, marauders!  People living in New Orleans in Lakeview area survived Hurricane Katrina passage BUT then defective 17th Canal levee gave way and death and destruction ensued.

3- we keep life jackets and inflatable raft in our home in event evacuation routes blocked.

4- fill up gas tank in car prior to evacuation time.  You don’t want to run out of gas in slow stop and go traffic exiting the danger zone.

5- take bottled water and some food that can be stored.  take your portable computer and a backup hard drive.  Keep the back up hard drive in water proof container, even if you have to double bag it in plastic containers.

6- let family members and friends know where you are headed in event they lose contact with you.

7- HAVE A PORTABLE RADIO, AND A PDA PHONE AND LEARN TO TEXT! Have a backup power supply for phone including car charger and portable batteries.  Texting frequently works when voice does not.  GET a WALKIE-TALKIE.  Works well for short distances in event you and family members have to be separated for a short time and distance.

8- HAVE A WATERPROOF ID ON YOUR BODY in event you drown. It took months to identify some of bodies and some never identified after Katrina.  Sad but true.  Difficult to tell identify after long period of time in water.  I visited morgue after Katrina and saw experts taking DNA from tibia marrow to try and match up with relatives searching for lost family.  I wear a dog tag with ID and allergies and meds.  Also, I have waterproof ID in wallet but one never knows if wallet will still be on you in the aftermath of chaos.

9- take some family pictures with you in event your possessions disappear in hurricane or flooding or tornados.  This may be most important possession for you and loved ones.

If you wish to read some adventures during Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Gustav (In Gustav, MedPageNow hired me as a reporter) see:



I retweeted CDC advice in the tweet immediately below.  The rest are my tweets giving advice from years of my experience with hurricanes, including the unnamed 1947 hurricane in New Orleans.


CDCemergency CDC Emergency

retweeted by DJPNEWS

Make sure that you have at least a 1 week supply of prescription medications, more if refills will be difficult to obtain

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

@medpagetoday “Leaving New Orleans – A Doctor’s Journey” – Evacuation #Hurricane Gustav #voiceofexperience #Irene

12 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Communication essential #Hurricanes & aftermath! PDAs, texting, walkie-talkie etc #Irene #voiceofexperience

17 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

+ reason evacuate when authorities give the order: flying debris (roof slate) both outside home & in = windows break, can be lethal #Irene

44 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Evac! Roof slates too RT @nationaljournal: AP: Paramedics say man in NC killed outside his home by tree limb blown down by Hurricane #Irene

51 minutes ago


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

#HurricaneIrene RT @DHSJournal: 11AM Update from @NHC_Atlantic

55 minutes ago


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

& Cell charger RT @MikeBloomberg: Video: My latest update #Irene& what NY’ers should do now to prepare: (9:30 am 8/27)

57 minutes ago


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Note! RT @RepPeteKing: Here are some important phone numbers and websites you should know before Hurricane Irene

1 hour ago


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Excellent App at Apple Store iTunes is HURRICANE – track hurricanes, satellite view, advisories, radar, etc. $2.99. #Irene @Hurricane

11 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


New Orleans #hurricane hx; 1947 unnamed one & photo of 17th St Canal failed levee flooding. #Katrina

16 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Chap1 my book deals with his role RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWSMeet MSNBC’s Hurricane Preparedness Expert – Ray Nagin? #Irene

16 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

If can’t leave/refuse to leave #hurricane areas: have H2Oproof ID on their person. #dogtag ideal. ID helps identify bodies. #Katrinalesson

23 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Those in path #HurricaneIrene see FEMA site READY.Gov for info. Staying home when in #hurricane path = great risk. Evacuate early

26 Aug



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Risk of injury vs inconvenience RT @MonicaCrowley: I’m feeling very uncertain here in Cone of Uncertainty. Stay put or run for my life?…

25 Aug


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Good RT @DHSJournal: What should a basic Hurricane kit contain? It’s not just water, food & a flashlight – see the

24 Aug



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

#Hurricane tip: when authorities say evacuate, do it; don’t wait till last minute; get gas tank filled for trip; take #WATER – #Irene

24 Aug



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

One more #hurricane tip from years of experience with them: get a charger for your phone/PDA that plugs into car power source; & text

24 Aug


Stay well and I wish you safety and good health if you are in path of hurricane.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.


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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2334 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

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DJP Update 8-12-2011 BIG DEAL: Individual Mandate unconstitutional per U.S. Ct Appeals 11th Circuit

DJP Update 8-12-2011 BIG DEAL:  Individual Mandate unconstitutional per U.S. Ct Appeals 11th Circuit

Florida et al v. Dept. Of Health & Human Services et al

(Share this DJP Update with other groups.  Spread the word!  Thanks!)

For full opinion:  as in my tweet

or 11th Circuit listing of cases:

BUT site appears to be overloaded with visits and difficult to get in at this moment.

But Dr. Art Fougner found this site that works and shows opinion:

Tip of the Hat to Dr. Fougner!

NOTE from DJP:  in the majority opinion, it is stated that the individual mandate is a “regulatory penalty, not a revenue-raising tax, and cannot be sustained as an exercise of Congress’s power under the Taxing and Spending Clause.”…

“Further, the individual mandate exceeds Congress’s enumerated commerce power and is unconstitutional.”



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

11th Cir Ct App rules indiv mandate #PPACA unconstit; 2 diff opinions 2 circuits = faster review by #SCOTUS op:


EXCERPT from POLITICO article below:

The 2-1 ruling marks the first time a judge appointed by a Democrat has voted to strike down the mandate. Judge Frank Hull, who was nominated by former President Bill Clinton, joined Chief Judge Joel Dubina, who was appointed by George H.W. Bush, to strike down the mandate.

Judge Stanley Marcus, in a dissenting opinion, said the mandate is constitutional. He was also appointed by Clinton.

The panel partially upheld a ruling issued in January by Judge Roger Vinson, who struck down the entire health reform law. However, the 11th Circuit said that the rest of the legislation can stand even if the mandate is unconstitutional.

Read more:

Other sources of news commenting on case:

Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Chicago Sun-Times:

Avik Roy in FORBES:



And so it goes, in this great Land of Liberty.  Remember my prediction of yesteryear.  U.S. Supreme Court will rule PPACA unconstitutional by 5-4 or 5-3 vote if one recusal.  Good risk management demands you plan accordingly for that possibility!

Onward and keep the faith!  America will get it all sorted out by 2012.

Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2334 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

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DJP Update 8-10-2011 IPAB elimination = Policy + ACTION: press release plus TV ad; WATCH video!

DJP Update 8-10-2011 IPAB elimination = Policy + ACTION: press release plus TV ad; WATCH video!

IPAB is the “Independent Payment Advisory Board” detailed in sections 3403 & 10320 of PPACA (Public Law 111-148 & amended by P.L. 111-152).

As I have said many times in past, WORDS mean something.  And words should be used correctly.  Not Humpty Dumpty fashion (This means the meaning changes depending on speaker’s circumstances or desires) or in Orwell’s 1984 style.

Cutting funds, just like SGR price-fixing, leads to loss of access to care as balance-billing is not allowed.  Australia allows balance-billing by allowing negotiation between patient and physician of any amount (the “gap” is what they call it) beyond what the government pays.  America does not in Medicare and Medicaid.  In America, the doctor cannot even forgive the co-pay.

But, ACTION is what gets a person or an organization’s policy to the destination.

Over 270 organizations, including AMA, have officially stated their opposition to IPAB.  AMA now has policy to repeal IPAB with the vote taken at the Annual Meeting of the AMA June 2011.  There are members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, who oppose IPAB.  ( See for some of them)

But action by all is needed.

Here is one action taken to alert the public about the need to get rid of IPAB:  a press release AND a video ad for national TV.  Let’s all take some action on IPAB and the other important issues such as the restoration of balance-billing without penalty.

Here is the video that will play on TV starting today and the text of the press release that is released today.


Video also can be viewed at:

Watch for it on TV!


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     Contact: 

August 10, 2011                                                                      (703) 405-9407

CPPR Releases National Ad Outlining Dangers of IPAB

WASHINGTON, DC – The Coalition to Protect Patients Rights (CPPR) is up today with a $1.4 million television ad buy that will be featured on national cable and targeted local broadcast stations discussing the dangers of the Affordable Care Act’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  You can see the ad here.

“I believe it is vital that Americans become educated on the harmful effect the Independent Payment Advisory Board is expected to have on medical care available to seniors throughout the United States,” former president of the American Medical Association and current spokesman of CPPR, Dr. Palmisano said.

Dr. Palmisano continued, “In addition to cutting over $500 billion from Medicare to pay for their new law, the Affordable Care Act’s authors added insult to injury by creating this unaccountable cost-cutting board that will have almost no oversight and the power to cut billions from the Medicare program every year. I want to encourage patients and doctors to contact their elected representatives and demand that IPAB be repealed before the quality of seniors’ medical care is further diminished.”

Starting in 2015, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) – a 15-member panel of unelected bureaucrats – will be empowered to make cuts to the Medicare program every year in which spending exceeds targeted growth rates. IPAB’s recommended cuts will become law unless a supermajority inCongress vetoes the board’s proposal and creates its own cost-cutting plan of equal size.  There is no administrative or legal appeal available to citizens.

Support for the repeal of IPAB is broad and bipartisan.  More than 72 House Democrats joined on a letter to then-Speaker Pelosi asking her to remove IPAB from the original health care legislation and in June a letter signed by 270 health care groups was sent to the Hill urging Members to repeal IPAB.  Even the American Medical Association, a vocal proponent of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act before its passage, recently announced its opposition to IPAB.

The Coalition to Protect Patients Rights supports a full repeal of IPAB to ensure American patients have continued access to quality health care.

The full script:

Narrator: Do you remember when they said…

Nancy Pelosi: We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.

Narrator: Well, we found out—and it’s bad.

Narrator: After cutting 500 billion from Medicare, the president’s health care law created a new law of 15 unelected bureaucrats—unaccountable, like a Medicare IRS with the power to cut payments to doctors and deny seniors care to pay for more wasteful Washington spending.

Narrator: Tell Washington bureaucrats shouldn’t have the power to deny seniors care.

About the Coalition to Protect Patients’ Rights: The Coalition to Protect Patients Rights is a non-partisan, grassroots coalition made up of over 10,000 doctors, health care providers, advocacy groups, and concerned citizens who are dedicated to the implementation of patient-centered health care reform that will improve patient care.   For more information, visit the Coalition to Protect Patients’ Rights website at Also, check out CPPR’s Facebook account here, and its Twitter feed at PatientsNOW.



Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2334 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

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DJP Update 8-8-2011 Turmoil in Washington, DC & financial markets; a new book on PPACA & a link to Grace-Marie Turner article

DJP Update 8-8-2011 Turmoil in Washington, DC & financial markets; a new book on PPACA & a link to Grace-Marie Turner article

Lots going on in Washington, DC.  USA credit rating reduced by Standard and Poor’s from AAA to AA+  with “outlook negative”.

Here is the very long link to the full report:

If you have trouble with that link, go to:

and then click on FULL REPORT near top of page.

Here is an excerpt from the overview:

The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. We could lower the long-term rating to ‘AA’ within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case.

Lots of finger-pointing going on.  Stock market dropped 500 points by end of President’s speech today.  Gold is at all time high of $1700.00 per ounce.  Gold price always has been a good indicator of fear in the financial markets.

But you can read about that in other places.  What is obvious to me is one cannot stay fiscally sound if you spend more than you make (or take in taxes if government).  Getting more credit cards does not solve the problem.

And that brings me to a favorite topic of mine:  PPACA

The new healthcare as you well know is, in my opinion, a disaster.  It will not lower the cost of medical care and evidence is emerging on that point.

But enough from me.

I want to inform you of a new book on the healthcare law.  I had the opportunity to read it before it was published and I wrote a blurb about it as did many other individuals.

Book: The Health Reform Maze: A Blueprint for Physician Practices.

Author: Richard L. Reece, MD

Publisher: Greenbranch Publishing

Comment from Publisher including ordering information:

This is your roadmap for health reform to date. Although clear exits and destinations remain murky, Dr. Reece has managed to create a statistically entertaining map for health reform. The Health Reform Maze: A Blueprint for Physician Practices contains many entries that Dr. Reece has composed over the last four years on his Medinnovation blog.

What makes this book so unique is Dr. Reece’s keen insight and understanding of both physicians’ and patients’ value system. “When it comes to trying to understand the current healthcare reform, this book covers it all in easily understandable language,” says Nancy Collins, President of Greenbranch Publishing and Publisher of the Journal of Medical Practice Management®. “Dr. Reece approaches the unclear issue from the patient and the physician perspectives while still managing to stay compelling, engaging, and even entertaining.” This book, ideal for practice managers, physicians, medical directors, insurers, policy makers, and even business school and health manager programs alike, is a must-read when trying to tackle the questions surrounding health reform.

Dr. Reece’s book The Health Reform Maze: A Blueprint for Physicians Practices contains blog entries that deliver comprehensive but easy to read discussions concerning the uncertainty, the threat of lower reimbursements, and what practices can do in response to reform. The entry format allows the reader to even pick and choose from the sections without having to read straight through. Dr. Reece delivers a balanced (and less judgmental) overview of the reform. This book breaks the trend of specialized, narrow healthcare reform reports. Because of its multiple points of view and various perspectives, it tells you everything you may want to know about health care reform but were afraid to ask.

$48.50 plus $9.95 for S&H, ISBN 978-0-9827055-4-4, pages  © 2011

Order here:


Here is my blurb/review and then the blurb/review from the editor of The Journal of the Connecticut State Medical Society.


“This is a must read collection of essays that gives the good, the bad, and the ugly of the new healthcare law, PPACA. Dr. Reece shares a balanced presentation of proponents and opponents of the law and gives hope for a better way to reform the system.”

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS, Former president of American Medical Association, and author of On Leadership


Review/Blurb from editor of The Journal of the Connecticut State Medical Society.

“This is a book that is of value to all the players – doctors, insurers, health planners and government administrators of health care and finance, as well as hospital leaders, legislators and the patient/consumer. Dr. Reece, trained as a pathologist, has been a writer of distinction for all of his professional life.

He was editor of the respected Minnesota Medicine for over twenty years, and in recent years has written ten books examining the American healthcare system and its effect on the sick and the well, the rich and the poor, the doctors and the bureaucrats, the government and the people. This latest effort is his reading of the impact of the Affordable Care Act since its passage, as derived from his blogs entered on the web from March, 2010 to January 2011.

The author believes that reform of health care has been designed by a politically center-left Congress and President, for a center-right more conservative nation. He makes it clear that what was needed was stepwise evolutionary change and what we have with “Obamacare” is a revolution in the provision of and payment for healthcare in the U.S. The appointed leader of the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS), Dr. Donald Berwick, is, in the view of the author, committed to the central control of healthcare policy rather than one likely to rely on market forces. Since passage of the law, two camps have marshaled their forces – those on the left who argue that government must participate ( further) in the system of healthcare, and those on the right who want less government, lower taxes, less debt and preservation of the right of individuals to decide for themselves. The accusatory rhetoric heats up on both sides and Dr. Reece, through his reading of the published media, the blogosphere, and interviews with recognized thinkers and actors on the healthcare stage, delivers facts and candid appraisal of the ongoing debate in plain language. Valid concerns are expressed that the law as it stands will leave us short of doctors, thus short of access for those gaining insurance coverage. The emphasis on Accountable Care Organizations, and the efforts to diminish fee-for service payment systems and bundle payments to doctors and hospitals are pushing amalgamation into larger systems with doctors as salaried workers. These phenomena are dissected and exposed in easily understandable language, sometimes with a touch of humor: “Don’t launch vast projects with half-vast ideas.” Dr. Reece’s book is a lively, practical and valuable contribution to today’s ongoing discussion.”

H. David Crombie, M.D. Editor, Connecticut Medicine, The Journal of the Connecticut State Medical Society


Multiple other reviews/blurbs and you will know many of the people who wrote them:  Lou Goodman, PhD, CEO, Texas Medical Association, Tim Norbeck, CEO Physicians Foundation, etc.  Check out all of the blurbs and a listing of the chapters at:


LAGNIAPPE:  Be not depressed with recent events in America.  This too shall pass.  This land of liberty will overcome.

P.S. one more tweet from!/djpNEWS

Listen carefully to Grace-Marie Turner.  A smart woman.


DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Read! #IPAB More disaster of #PPACA RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWS IPAB Power Grab MT @galeninstitute Grace-Marie Turner #tcot

Stay well,


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax


DJP Updates:




This DJP Update goes to 2334 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.


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DJP Update 8-4-2011 Check out this interview today re IPAB, PPACA, & HSR

DJP Update 8-4-2011 Check out this interview today re IPAB, PPACA, & HSR

See details below in tweet to find start of interview.

After I got off air, a panel commented and listeners called in.  Various perspectives recorded.

The system is melting down.  Need to change it at ballot box.  Doing lots of interviews at present.  Each of us can get involved.  Call your local editorial board; call the local radio station.  They are interested in various views.  We all need to participate.



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

My KRMS interview The Morning Magazine: & select 2011-08-04 10-00 then go to 17 min & ending at 37:30 #tcot #hcr


Stay well,


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

Go to:

Leave a comment and encourage others to visit!

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2334 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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DJP Update 8-1-2011 No recent DJP Updates because of DC debt crisis & tweets; recent samples

DJP Update 8-1-2011 No recent DJP Updates because of DC debt crisis & tweets; recent samples

Need to get powerful message about the risk to medical care if continued price-fixing and decreased payment to physicians.  More bureaucracy, more regulations, & continued price-fixing will only decrease access to care.  Some in recent debate understand this concept; most don’t pay attention to it.  Medical organizations need to be bold and get message out! If current situation continues and burdens increase, there will be more physicians getting out of patient treatment or becoming employees or leaving medicine for business world, or retiring.  You can count on it.  There is nothing wrong with being an employee IF that is what you want to do.  But it shouldn’t be because solo practice or small group are no longer options.  In the end, greatest harm will be to patients if current trends are not reversed.

Some tweets below.  Links in tweets lead to articles.  More tweets at  Be sure to listen to Senator Marco Rubio 2 speeches below in tweets.

Tired of hearing Americans who are in debate about the future of our country being called “terrorists”.  And to think real terrorists frequently are not called terrorists.  Shame!



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Tired name calling! Let’s balance by D/C foreign funds RT @Drudge_Report: PUTIN: USA ‘parasite’ on global economy…

38 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


I admire your courage and determination; Stay safe RT @Rep_Giffords: The #Capitol looks beautiful and I am honored to be at work tonight.

50 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


A Yeti! Looks more like a parasite RT @NatGeo: Have you ever seen a hairy crab before? Now’s your chance:

53 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Courage! & thx to her docs RT @DailyCaller: Gabby Giffords (@Rep_Giffords) stuns by returning to Congress debt…

59 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


You bet! #tcot RT @HEALTH_NOTES: RT @hillhealthwatch: OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Healthcare groups fear cuts from debt deal

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Vote on BudgetControlAct 2011 now; future: trigger cuts to Medicare pay to docs & military budget will = crisis Med & inability for wars

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@JimDeMint says bill is not a spending or debt decrease; just a decrease amount spending; doesn’t balance budget; says no leadership in WH

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@JimDeMint C-Span2 Senate gives rebuttal to VP Biden attack on #teaparty – eloquent & no notes or TelePrompter; speaks on #leadership #tcot

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


And more criticism RT @sonodoc99@dramerling @DJPNEWS 44 – FAIL #Leadership FYI @latimestot #tcot

2 hours ago



latimestot Top of the Ticket



Bipartisan debt deal draws bipartisan flak from Limbaugh, Krugman, Beck–and a new Gallup… #tcot #sgp

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“…Ages remote, mortals yet unborn, will bless your generous efforts, and revere memory of the saviors of their country.” J Warren MD 1765

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“When #liberty is the prize, who would shun..warfare, who would stoop to waste a cowardly thought on life.” Joseph Warren MD 1775 #patriot

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“I… study politics and war, that my sons may have Liberty to study math. & philosophy…in order to give their children…” John Adams

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@politico #PPACA #IPAB #ACO – my prediction: all will be expensive failures but there is hope #SCOTUS will void.

3 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


You decide If Nora O’Donnell said “Democrats said” prior to “They got everything… watch/ listen video: #tcot

4 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Agree RT @HouseCommerce: Opinion: Health care reform’s poor prognosis – via @RepJoePitts… #Healthcare #hcr

5 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@DrMarcSiegel on Fox gets it about price-fixing & #Medicare cuts to Docs & the effect on access. He was on this hour. #tcot #DEBT

5 hours ago



dramerling Richard Amerling



@Heritage: MUST READ: Could Britain’s Health Care Rationing Come to the States? #healthscare” It can and will! #IPAB

6 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Show deal details! RT @shushwalshe: …latest…where 2012 presidential candidates stand on the final debt ceiling deal:

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Patients & Docs at risk with draconian price-fixing of Medicare & Medicaid; now flat-spin to earth. Speak up med associations! Get bal-bill

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Animal Farm RT @aapsonline@sonodoc99 @djpnews Why no DC price fix for lawyers? Phy to Attorney ratio in 112th Congress #ContingencyFee

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@edhenryTV correctly points out that if you hit providers, patients hurt; Carney says “tough stuff”. Henry replies Medicare patients hurt

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Reporter Nora O’Donnell CBS said to Carney at presser “They got everything, we got nothing.” Interesting! Who is “we”? #press #tcot #DEBT

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Sad. Name-calling = lack of evidence RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWS @marklevinshow Tom Friedman proves Marco Rubio’s point.

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


30% cut Medicare pay to docs Jan 2012 via gov price-fix SGR & word new #DEBT deal cuts docs 2%! Details? Statism! #tcot #NotSmart #Access

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Think Dante’s Vestibule of Hell RT @TomBevanRCP: I’m sure Jay Carney looking forward to his briefing today. #ratherhavearootcanal

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Where are the deal details? RT @rollcall: Sen. Lindsey Graham is a no on #debt deal. Stmt: “I cannot in good conscience support this deal.”

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


It’s not over till it’s over RT @DailyCaller: Rubio spokesman @alexconant confirms to TheDC that Sen. Rubio is a no vote on debt deal…

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Powerful opinion re #POTUS#ForeignAffairs @WSJopinion by Fouad Ajami of Hoover Institution #Liberty #tcot

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Secret negotiations last minute, rush to pass, & odds are no cure price-fixing SGR, no allowing balance-billing MCare = loss access care

18 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


PPACA! RT @ByronYork: if…planned, lawmakers …presented with another secretly-negotiated complex bill & told they must vote immediately…

18 hours ago



HeartlandInst Heartland Institute



MT @derekahunter: Pass it, then you’ll see RT @toddstarnesPelosi: “I haven’t seen in writing the final product. The details are important.”

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


#DreamTeam committee #DEBT reduction: @RepPaulRyan @marcorubio & columnists #GeorgeWill@krauthammer – #FiscalSanity = spend less #tcot

31 Jul



DailyCaller The Daily Caller



George Will offers GOP 2012 slogan: “Is this really the best we can do?”…..your thoughts? – #TCOT

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Universal appeal for young of all species RT @latimestot: A little Sunday video treat: Wildlife enjoy a lawn sprinkler

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Need break from #DEBT antics DC? See today’s Dilbert as he explains: “I’m preparing for complete meltdown of our financial system” #comics

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Illogical RT @aapsonline: Why does supporting a balanced budget mean one has “turned to the dark side” or is asking for a “poisoned pill” ?

31 Jul



edhenryTV Ed Henry



Gotta love reasonable debate RT @Obama2point0 @edhenryTV Hush your mouth! It will come together and when it does you better get in line!

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


When one side in a debate starts name-calling of opponent it is evidence of losing argument. Use civility & facts; Act with honor! #tcot

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Why does Reid call loyal Americans “extremists” including members of #Congress ? Saying it in monotone doesn’t lessen insult. #tcot #DEBT

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Meanwhile #NOLA folks & #MardiGras RT @NOLAMardiGras: Arnie Fielkow is grand marshal of celebration in Pamplona, Spain

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Animal Farm RT @EmilyMiller: Reid trashes House for “wasting” time…bill ..can’t pass Senate, while pushing bill that already failed House

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Re #WORDS – but bad comment re #F-22 as it rules sky RT @TheEconomist: Absurd…kabuki: …when we mean…fake?

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Study details #debt plans: 3 trillion debt reduction means instead 10 trillion MORE added to debt 10 yrs, 7 t added! #tcot #teaparty

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Re @marcorubio speech: Wise young LEADER; he speaks facts & logic with passion; & no teleprompter; & takes q #tcot #DEBT

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Awesome! Video MT @marcorubio#deblimit easy.. #debt is problem. Need #compromise#debtsolution #sayfie #tcot #drudge

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Yes! But it is not an unknown in this scenario. Many warnings. RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWS @IBDeditorials Iceberg right ahead comes to mind

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Risk management tip for Medicine “Big A”: Anticipate what could go wrong & be prepared. Applies to #DEBT debate

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Pundit RT @dickmorristweet: DEMS WILL WIN DEBT DEBATE; REPUBS WILL WIN ELECTION: #hannity #tcot#gop

30 Jul


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