DJP Update 8-1-2011 No recent DJP Updates because of DC debt crisis & tweets; recent samples

DJP Update 8-1-2011 No recent DJP Updates because of DC debt crisis & tweets; recent samples

Need to get powerful message about the risk to medical care if continued price-fixing and decreased payment to physicians.  More bureaucracy, more regulations, & continued price-fixing will only decrease access to care.  Some in recent debate understand this concept; most don’t pay attention to it.  Medical organizations need to be bold and get message out! If current situation continues and burdens increase, there will be more physicians getting out of patient treatment or becoming employees or leaving medicine for business world, or retiring.  You can count on it.  There is nothing wrong with being an employee IF that is what you want to do.  But it shouldn’t be because solo practice or small group are no longer options.  In the end, greatest harm will be to patients if current trends are not reversed.

Some tweets below.  Links in tweets lead to articles.  More tweets at  Be sure to listen to Senator Marco Rubio 2 speeches below in tweets.

Tired of hearing Americans who are in debate about the future of our country being called “terrorists”.  And to think real terrorists frequently are not called terrorists.  Shame!



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Tired name calling! Let’s balance by D/C foreign funds RT @Drudge_Report: PUTIN: USA ‘parasite’ on global economy…

38 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


I admire your courage and determination; Stay safe RT @Rep_Giffords: The #Capitol looks beautiful and I am honored to be at work tonight.

50 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


A Yeti! Looks more like a parasite RT @NatGeo: Have you ever seen a hairy crab before? Now’s your chance:

53 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Courage! & thx to her docs RT @DailyCaller: Gabby Giffords (@Rep_Giffords) stuns by returning to Congress debt…

59 minutes ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


You bet! #tcot RT @HEALTH_NOTES: RT @hillhealthwatch: OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Healthcare groups fear cuts from debt deal

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Vote on BudgetControlAct 2011 now; future: trigger cuts to Medicare pay to docs & military budget will = crisis Med & inability for wars

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@JimDeMint says bill is not a spending or debt decrease; just a decrease amount spending; doesn’t balance budget; says no leadership in WH

1 hour ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@JimDeMint C-Span2 Senate gives rebuttal to VP Biden attack on #teaparty – eloquent & no notes or TelePrompter; speaks on #leadership #tcot

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


And more criticism RT @sonodoc99@dramerling @DJPNEWS 44 – FAIL #Leadership FYI @latimestot #tcot

2 hours ago



latimestot Top of the Ticket



Bipartisan debt deal draws bipartisan flak from Limbaugh, Krugman, Beck–and a new Gallup… #tcot #sgp

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“…Ages remote, mortals yet unborn, will bless your generous efforts, and revere memory of the saviors of their country.” J Warren MD 1765

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“When #liberty is the prize, who would shun..warfare, who would stoop to waste a cowardly thought on life.” Joseph Warren MD 1775 #patriot

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


“I… study politics and war, that my sons may have Liberty to study math. & philosophy…in order to give their children…” John Adams

2 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@politico #PPACA #IPAB #ACO – my prediction: all will be expensive failures but there is hope #SCOTUS will void.

3 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


You decide If Nora O’Donnell said “Democrats said” prior to “They got everything… watch/ listen video: #tcot

4 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Agree RT @HouseCommerce: Opinion: Health care reform’s poor prognosis – via @RepJoePitts… #Healthcare #hcr

5 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@DrMarcSiegel on Fox gets it about price-fixing & #Medicare cuts to Docs & the effect on access. He was on this hour. #tcot #DEBT

5 hours ago



dramerling Richard Amerling



@Heritage: MUST READ: Could Britain’s Health Care Rationing Come to the States? #healthscare” It can and will! #IPAB

6 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Show deal details! RT @shushwalshe: …latest…where 2012 presidential candidates stand on the final debt ceiling deal:

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Patients & Docs at risk with draconian price-fixing of Medicare & Medicaid; now flat-spin to earth. Speak up med associations! Get bal-bill

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Animal Farm RT @aapsonline@sonodoc99 @djpnews Why no DC price fix for lawyers? Phy to Attorney ratio in 112th Congress #ContingencyFee

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


@edhenryTV correctly points out that if you hit providers, patients hurt; Carney says “tough stuff”. Henry replies Medicare patients hurt

7 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Reporter Nora O’Donnell CBS said to Carney at presser “They got everything, we got nothing.” Interesting! Who is “we”? #press #tcot #DEBT

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Sad. Name-calling = lack of evidence RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWS @marklevinshow Tom Friedman proves Marco Rubio’s point.

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


30% cut Medicare pay to docs Jan 2012 via gov price-fix SGR & word new #DEBT deal cuts docs 2%! Details? Statism! #tcot #NotSmart #Access

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Think Dante’s Vestibule of Hell RT @TomBevanRCP: I’m sure Jay Carney looking forward to his briefing today. #ratherhavearootcanal

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Where are the deal details? RT @rollcall: Sen. Lindsey Graham is a no on #debt deal. Stmt: “I cannot in good conscience support this deal.”

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


It’s not over till it’s over RT @DailyCaller: Rubio spokesman @alexconant confirms to TheDC that Sen. Rubio is a no vote on debt deal…

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Powerful opinion re #POTUS#ForeignAffairs @WSJopinion by Fouad Ajami of Hoover Institution #Liberty #tcot

8 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Secret negotiations last minute, rush to pass, & odds are no cure price-fixing SGR, no allowing balance-billing MCare = loss access care

18 hours ago



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


PPACA! RT @ByronYork: if…planned, lawmakers …presented with another secretly-negotiated complex bill & told they must vote immediately…

18 hours ago



HeartlandInst Heartland Institute



MT @derekahunter: Pass it, then you’ll see RT @toddstarnesPelosi: “I haven’t seen in writing the final product. The details are important.”

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


#DreamTeam committee #DEBT reduction: @RepPaulRyan @marcorubio & columnists #GeorgeWill@krauthammer – #FiscalSanity = spend less #tcot

31 Jul



DailyCaller The Daily Caller



George Will offers GOP 2012 slogan: “Is this really the best we can do?”…..your thoughts? – #TCOT

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Universal appeal for young of all species RT @latimestot: A little Sunday video treat: Wildlife enjoy a lawn sprinkler

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Need break from #DEBT antics DC? See today’s Dilbert as he explains: “I’m preparing for complete meltdown of our financial system” #comics

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Illogical RT @aapsonline: Why does supporting a balanced budget mean one has “turned to the dark side” or is asking for a “poisoned pill” ?

31 Jul



edhenryTV Ed Henry



Gotta love reasonable debate RT @Obama2point0 @edhenryTV Hush your mouth! It will come together and when it does you better get in line!

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


When one side in a debate starts name-calling of opponent it is evidence of losing argument. Use civility & facts; Act with honor! #tcot

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Why does Reid call loyal Americans “extremists” including members of #Congress ? Saying it in monotone doesn’t lessen insult. #tcot #DEBT

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Meanwhile #NOLA folks & #MardiGras RT @NOLAMardiGras: Arnie Fielkow is grand marshal of celebration in Pamplona, Spain

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Animal Farm RT @EmilyMiller: Reid trashes House for “wasting” time…bill ..can’t pass Senate, while pushing bill that already failed House

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Re #WORDS – but bad comment re #F-22 as it rules sky RT @TheEconomist: Absurd…kabuki: …when we mean…fake?

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Study details #debt plans: 3 trillion debt reduction means instead 10 trillion MORE added to debt 10 yrs, 7 t added! #tcot #teaparty

31 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Re @marcorubio speech: Wise young LEADER; he speaks facts & logic with passion; & no teleprompter; & takes q #tcot #DEBT

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Awesome! Video MT @marcorubio#deblimit easy.. #debt is problem. Need #compromise#debtsolution #sayfie #tcot #drudge

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Yes! But it is not an unknown in this scenario. Many warnings. RT @sonodoc99@DJPNEWS @IBDeditorials Iceberg right ahead comes to mind

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Risk management tip for Medicine “Big A”: Anticipate what could go wrong & be prepared. Applies to #DEBT debate

30 Jul



DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano


Pundit RT @dickmorristweet: DEMS WILL WIN DEBT DEBATE; REPUBS WILL WIN ELECTION: #hannity #tcot#gop

30 Jul


Stay well,


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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

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504-455-5895 office

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