DJP Update 4-29-2011 Breaking news: Former AMA president becomes senior advisor at Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) in CMS of HHS

DJP Update 4-29-2011 Breaking news: Former AMA president becomes senior advisor at Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) in CMS of HHS

CMMI is part of PPACA

See excerpts from stories below regarding AMA former president, Nancy Nielsen, MD, PhD

Excerpt from: CQ HealthBeat Afternoon Briefing (subscription and password needed)

Here is the summary quote:

Past AMA President Nielsen to Advise Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Center

In a coup for the fledgling office at heart of the Obama administration’s efforts to find ways to streamline health care and control spending growth, Nancy Nielsen, a physician and past president of the American Medical Association, has signed on as a senior adviser to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Full Story


EXCERPT FROM University at Buffalo’s School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences  (Weblink gives more details and no password needed)

Release Date: April 29, 2011


Nancy Nielsen Is Appointed to One-Year Health Policy Role in Washington, DC

…senior advisor for stakeholder engagement at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

—- The CMMI was established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and is charged with testing innovative approaches to improving health care delivery, payment and quality.

Nielsen begins the position with CMMI this month and will reside in Washington, D.C., for one year.



LAGNIAPPE:  Have a great weekend.  I give a speech tomorrow at LSU to the Louisiana State Medical Society medical student members re health system reform and then start weeks of business travel which will include a speech I will give to the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons on health system reform.  Possibly I will see some of you on the trail.

Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2331 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

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DJP Update 4-28-2011 ON LEADERSHIP 2nd edition big day in bookstores May 5; Available at Amazon May 1

DJP Update 4-28-2011 ON LEADERSHIP 2nd edition big day in bookstores May 5; Available at Amazon May 1

Friends, colleagues, and future book buyers:

If you want to lend a helping hand to try and propel the book up in the charts, order your copy now and encourage organizations to order copies for the members.

After all, friends help friends!  Important to time the purchases the first week the book is available to get a high number of purchases in that week to rise on the charts.

The book defines true leadership.  And this 2nd edition is specific for America:  Gulf oil spill, emerging leaders, how to fix Congress, true health system reform, ending the debt crisis, and how to avoid entanglement in never-ending wars.  How do we decide to go to war?  What are the criteria?  Do we apply equally for all nations?  When in war, is not the purpose to win?

Yes, the 2nd edition has TWO new chapters, 17 & 18.  Both deal with current events.  No wishy-washy analysis.  Advocates straight talk from politicians.

Here is a sample from chapter 18 entitled  EMERGING LEADERS IN A TIME OF CRISIS

The chapter starts off with a quote:

It is a time, in short, for a new generation of leadership — new men to cope with new problems and new opportunities.

–Senator John F. Kennedy, July 15, 1960, on accepting the Democratic Party nomination for presidency

Here is the first paragraph of that chapter 18:

Crises abound.  A health care bill passed in Congress with brute force by the Administration and Democratic-controlled Congress:  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (PPACA).  The bill had more than 2,400 pages.  Most of the partisans who voted “yes” did not even read it.  Remember Nancy Pelosi’s words:  “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

References are given for quotes and links to videos on the Internet are in the book so you can see and hear the quotes in context.

Later in the chapter, the discussion on straight talk:

It is a war on terror.  It is not an “overseas contingency operation.”  Let us stop the Humpty-Dumpty changing of the meanings of words or using euphemisms.  Today we have the Federal Reserve Board speaking of “quantitative easing.”  Does that mean print more paper money and devalue our savings?  History might suggest that this is a road to disaster.

That chapter ends with LESSONS LEARNED.

Here are two of the seven.

4- True leaders tell the truth and don’t demonize others falsely.

7- Don’t let opportunistic politicians destroy our liberty and freedoms; we have the power to vote them out of office.

And yes, Chapter 18, in addition to highlighting emerging leaders,  does more discussion of  PPACA including the quotes from our  President of the USA claiming that surgeons have no incentive to save a person’s leg because surgeons get paid $30,000 to $50,000 per leg amputation.  I refute that with the letter sent from the American College of Surgeons stating the actual payment and the ACS letter also said the comment was “ill-informed and dangerous.”  Again, all citations given to comments and letters and videos.

So if you want to share a view on liberty and leadership, give the books as gifts.  And it makes a wonderful gift for those in the political spectrum who favor more government control:  Saves your breath and time trying to convert them and maybe they will convert after reading.  Of course, you might cause them to get angry by such a gift!


Go to this link below to order at AMAZON.  If you call Barnes & Noble or other bookseller, be sure to tell them it is the 2nd edition with the Paperback ISBN of 978-1-61608-231-4

or just go to and put in “Palmisano” and “On Leadership”.  Then click on image of 2nd edition to go to a page with more details.

On Leadership: Essential Principles for Business, Political, and Personal Success



And here are links to the press release of Skyhorse Publishing as well as larger photos of the front and back cover.  Interviews are coming in and today I got invited to do a national TV show in mid-May as part of a political panel.  More details later.


Cover and back cover:

Press release:



I won’t post them in this email.

Thanks for your time, indulgence (especially for this email), and friendship over the years!  We can win the battle for ethical science-based Medicine with the patient in control and the doctor as trusted advisor.  The pursuit of excellence can be a lonely path but we shall overcome.  Remember George Washington lost EVERY BATTLE in the Revolutionary War until he crossed the Delaware into Trenton on Christmas Day.  Do your homework, have courage, and don’t give up!  The problems today go beyond Medicine.  We have a Nation to save.

Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2332 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.



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DJP Update 4-15-2011 2nd Edition ON LEADERSHIP press release; some tweets: special attention medical liability

DJP Update 4-15-2011 2nd Edition ON LEADERSHIP press release; some tweets: special attention medical liability

ITEM ONE: 2nd Edition ON LEADERSHIP press release

My publisher, Skyhorse Publishing in New York, sent out this press release yesterday re 2nd edition of ON LEADERSHIP.  Two new chapters on current events and more photos!

Press release headline:




Complete press release at:


You may know some of the folks on the cover!

Check it out!  Book in bookstores May 5 and Amazon taking advance orders.

Foreword by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and some nice comments by reviewers;

“Informative and well-written, this book will appeal to managers at all levels looking to become effective

leaders and will be especially helpful to those just entering the management arena.’”

—Publishers Weekly

No one can doubt the power of individuals to make a difference after reading Don Palmisano’s

inspirational book. On Leadership is needed nourishment in a desert of cynicism and selfishness.”

—Philip Howard, bestselling author of The Death of Common Sense

Please spread the word.  With a little help from my friends, we can aim for best-seller list!   Encourage organizations to buy.  Aim high in all endeavors.  Life is short.  Thank you!

ITEM TWO:  Some recent tweets.  Pay particular attention to the lengthy medical liability article at:

Another link to it is at:

Thanks to Dr. Art Fougner for alerting me to this article.  He is a terrific news clipper on TWITTER akin to Dr. Mike Ellis on email.  If you follow the two of them, you will get all of the breaking news of medical politics and health policy.  I am trying to get Dr. Mike Ellis to do more tweeting!

Those of you who have studied medical liability over the years will find things to agree with and things to disagree with in the article.  One obvious missing aspect is the lack of accountability for attorneys who file suits without merit!


A few recent tweets.  Click on links in each tweet to get full article.  Be on alert for U.S. Supreme Court decision (see tweet below) as to whether to take the PPACA case on expedited review.  They will discuss it today but decision may not be for a few weeks or a month.


Stay well!


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2332 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.





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DJP Update 4-11-2011 Breaking news from Philip Howard of Common Good about REGULATIONS

DJP Update 4-11-2011 Breaking news from Philip Howard of Common Good about REGULATIONS

Philip Howard is one of the leaders I feature in my book, ON LEADERSHIP.

Here is breaking news from Philip Howard issued a few minutes ago (12:26 p.m.CDT) giving comments from 20 individuals.  As you read this, just image the crushing regulations currently spewing forth about PPACA!  And more to come.


Philip Howard wrote:

The new Newsweek includes a lead story on the need to clean out our rusted regulatory infrastructure, with an opening essay by me and 20 prominent Americans describing a law they would eliminate or fix.




Dear Congress: Government is Broken. These Guys Can Fix It.

The government-shutdown drama displays Washington’s big-picture paralysis. Our team of 20 leaders and experts suggests small, common-sense ideas that can get America moving forward right now.

by Philip K. Howard

April 10, 2011

Watching last week’s government shutdown face-off, as symbolic things like Planned Parenthood became proxies in a dysfunctional game of chicken, it was impossible not to wonder how these guys will ever solve the huge problems our country faces. Government isn’t just broke—it’s broken.

And this breakdown goes past a culture of spending, as Republicans argue, or a regressive tax policy, as Democrats might counter. Decades of accumulated laws, often obsolete, have created a government paralysis of its own making.

This giant junkyard of laws and regulations that are individually well meaning collectively act as a dead tyrant. Balancing budgets is impossible when so many policies come cast in legal concrete—farm subsidies from the New Deal made sense then, but they now send $15 billion in taxpayer dollars each year mostly to corporations because lawmakers cow to special interests. Bureaucracy crushes teachers; doctors order tens of billions in unnecessary tests to protect themselves from lawsuits; businesses forgo new opportunities because of bureaucratic hurdles; green infrastructure gets sidetracked by endless, mandated reviews.

In an ideal world, we’d scrap the byzantine legal framework we’ve inherited and rebuild simpler systems that permit flexibility to meet today’s needs. (I’m helping launch a new campaign, Start Over, to push political leaders in that direction.) A general sunset law—every law with budgetary implications would automatically expire every 10 years unless reenacted—would impose some automatic review.

In the short term, there are solutions that we could start with now. We pulled together 20 prominent Americans to nominate elegant policy fixes—from education tweaks to job-killing rules—rooted in common sense and designed to attract support from all political stripes. America needs to hold its representatives accountable to a simple philosophy: if it’s broken, fix it.

Government Is Broken. These Guys Can Fix It.

Philip K. Howard: Founder/Chairman, Common Good

We pulled together 20 prominent Americans to nominate elegant policy fixes—from education tweaks to job-killing rules—rooted in common sense and designed to attract support from all political stripes. America needs to hold its representatives accountable to a simple philosophy: if it’s broken, fix it.

Eric Schmidt: Former CEO, Google

Neutralize frivolous patent claims

America’s patent system des-perately needs reform. Sadly, it’s become a tool for people who produce nothing but patents of dubious validity, and frivolous lawsuits targeting the profits of true invention. Companies often settle rather than risk losing millions of dollars in front of a jury, and consumers, innovation, and the economy all suffer for it. Since patent law’s original purpose was promoting innovation, infringement-claim damages should be tied to the actual value added by a patented feature—not the entire product, which might have thousands of parts. Also, there should be a more effective reevaluation process after patents are issued, thus reducing expensive, time-wasting litigation. The history of America is one of amazing innovation. Let’s give our best companies and minds the protection to keep dreaming big, and moving us forward.

Bill Bradley: Former Senator, N.J.

Introduce health courts

The medical-malpractice justice system has a 25 percent error rate, according to a Harvard study. Anyone who has spent time in hospitals has witnessed the resulting “defensive medicine”—tests and procedures ordered by doctors mainly to show they did all they could. All this unnecessary medicine adds up—an estimated $100 billion annually. One obvious change is to replace the current system with health courts: special judges, advised by neutral experts, who would make written rulings on accepted standards of care. These courts would affirmatively defend wrongly accused doctors, and prove much better for patients injured by mistakes, with payments made within a year, not the five years typical today. I was thrilled to see President Obama’s budget include $250 million to help states pay for new systems of justice for health care. Let’s get it through Congress.

Mitch Daniels: Governor, Indiana

Merit-based civil service

Like many states, Indiana rewrote its civil-service statute in 1941. It’s been frozen in time ever since. By 2005 this geriatric law had us in a straitjacket. Employee complaints about the most trivial of matters (“I don’t like my uniform style”) subjected management, administrative-law judges, and indirectly the taxpayers to a five-step, year-long grievance process. Promotions and layoffs were dictated by seniority. Disciplining or dismissing poor performers? Forget it. This year, we are replacing this system with one that highly rewards the best workers and deals with the worst. Employee rights will still be carefully protected, but in a streamlined, three-step process less vulnerable to abuse. Fairness for taxpayers and that large majority of diligent, deserving state employees will result.

Alice Waters: Chef; Founder, Chez Panisse Foundation

Healthier kids’ lunches

For decades the federal school-lunch program has contributed to the obesity pandemic by serving cheap, fat-laden foods that met U.S. guidelines. A new law offers schools an extra six cents per meal if they meet healthier criteria. While a start, six cents isn’t enough to cover endless reimbursement paperwork—or the cost of real food. The economics are simple: it’s far cheaper to feed our children well now than to pay their hospitalization in the future (obesity drives $150 billion in health-care costs). The solution: a free, wholesome school lunch for every child in America.

Mark Cuban: Entrepreneur; Owner, Dallas Mavericks

Streamline entrepreneurial paperwork

To earn enough money for basketball shoes, I started my career selling garbage bags door to door. My father’s friend sold me the bags for $3, I sold them for $6. It was frictionless. When I started my first “big” company, MicroSolutions, I had no office. I got a sales-tax license and incorporated. Again, frictionless, and it turned into a $30 million (sales) business. Today, it’s impossible to start a business without professional help. Between local, county, state, and federal filings, it can easily cost as much time and capital to deal with administrivia as the business itself. Paperwork strangles small businesses before they start—this country’s greatest inhibitor to job growth. That could be fixed with a simplified startup legal structure (understandable in a pamphlet) that would reduce the friction involved in starting a business.

Mike Bloomberg: Mayor, New York City

Eliminate seniority hierarchy in education

The U.S. is the world’s greatest meritocracy. Hard work is rewarded. Talent is recognized. Achievement is celebrated. But in 14 states, including New York, a law known as “last in, first out” forbids school districts from taking performance into consideration when conducting layoffs. Instead, only one factor matters: years on the job. In New York City, we are facing 4,600 teacher layoffs. But rather than lay off those rated unsatisfactory, convicted of crimes, or lacking certification, we would have to let go of nearly every teacher hired over the past few years. We’ve made huge progress—graduation rates are up 27 percent over the past five years. “Last in, first out” would jeopardize that progress—and harm our kids. They—and their hard-working teachers—deserve better.

Peter Orszag: Ex-Director, OMB

Modernize shipping requirements

The requirements for U.S. shipping vessels are out-dated. The Jones Act of 1920 requires all shipping between American ports to occur on U.S.-flagged, built, owned, and manned ships, unlike other forms of transportation. As a result, it raises shipping costs, effectively operating as a tax on all of us. As economist Joseph Stiglitz pointed out, even a quarter-century ago, this rule cost America more than $250,000 for each job it saved. It’s basically a form protectionism: if the U.S.-made and manned ships were the lowest-cost option, the law would be unnecessary. The solution: rescind the law to get an efficient and cost-effective mode of shipping.

Paul Tagliabue: Ex-Commissioner, NFL

Increase visa cap for highly skilled workers

Our restrictive visa policy hampers our ability to hire the most highly skilled workers. Only 65,000 engineers, scientists, doctors, and other exemplary professionals are permitted to work domestically, and the 2009 stimulus bill requires companies to give preference to American workers. Meanwhile half the U.S. science and engineering doctorates go to foreigners. A simple, necessary reform: increase the H-1B visa total. If we want to foster innovation, we need to attract and retain the world’s top talent—not educate the rest of the world—without archaic limitations.

Glenn Hutchins: Cofounder/Co-CEO of Silver Lake Partners

Give preference to wireless technologies

The new broadband economy depends on spectrum—the airwaves over which wireless signals travel. It is also a finite, dwindling resource, which the federal government allocates in a grossly out-of-date manner. A huge percentage remains reserved for legacy media—broadcast TV and radio—despite massive consumer demand for bandwidth-intensive wireless applications for smartphones and tablets. Inefficient allocation stifles competition and impedes the development of wireless technologies and applications—the key to overall economic efficiency and growth. This massive waste of valuable resources demands a new approach: phasing in a market-based allocation concept where spectrum will be, in effect, rented for the highest and best use.

Bill Donaldson: Ex-Chairman, SEC

Consolidate regulators

The need for regulatory oversight of financial institutions has never been greater. But rather than clear lines of responsibility, the recent reforms have entrenched numerous, overlapping agencies, and created a 10-agency “Financial Stability Oversight Council.” The confusion will allow market abuses to slip between the cracks, and the central committee is a formula for paralysis. The solution: consolidate agencies along clear lines of responsibility. There should be one bank regulator, not four. There should one regulator of public markets, not two. As markets become more complex, and the different finance and securities techniques converge, it’s imperative to avoid regulatory turf battles and to clarify responsibility.

David Paterson: Former Governor, N.Y.

Real pension accounting

Controversial accounting standards have allowed state pension funds to appear more solvent than they are. The effect: delaying the day of reckoning, making state fiscal crises much worse than needed. The blame should not be put on public workers: we should not treat the product of a lifetime of work as partisan jujitsu. Congress can solve this problem by prohibiting states from estimating pension growth beyond the last three years of actual pension growth or state revenue growth. Overestimating returns, which has landed 48 states in huge deficits, would then cease.

Wendy Kopp: CEO, Teach For America

Flexible teacher hiring

We need great teachers, but the “highly qualified teacher” provision in No Child Left Behind, imposed with the best intentions, isn’t productive. School districts must engage in two distinct activities: jumping through hoops to check the box indicating their teachers meet the ‘highly qualified’ designation—while actually improving teacher effectiveness by recruiting top talent and investing in their development. We will transform our educational system only when we empower local leadership; micromanaging by central mandate produces incremental change, at best.

Jonathan Tisch: CEO, Loews Hotels

More tourist-visa waivers

Over the past decade, America lost 78 million visitors, 467,000 jobs, and $600 billion in spending, due in large part to our discouraging visa process. A new bill helps fix this by updating the framework for admission into the Visa Waiver Program. Countries currently in the program comprise two thirds of inbound travel to the U.S., and support 512,000 jobs. Let’s boost that number by making it easier for our allies (and customers) to get here.

Lisa Price: Founder, Carol’s Daughter

Startup ombudsman

When you start a business, it’s nearly impossible to know all the legal requirements until mistakes are made. When I started Carol’s Daughter, I paid sales tax at the end of every month, but once missed the deadline giving birth to my son. The penalty was huge: 10 percent of the month’s sales. A government ombudsman should help entrepreneurs negotiate the maze of rules, and reverse injustices.

Vince Gill: Recording Artist

Ease import-export documentation

The nation’s import-export laws have become red-tape nightmares. One tiny example I’m familiar with: A well-meaning law to save rare woods basically makes it illegal to travel with an old guitar. Any wooden instrument must have documentation of the genus and weight of every type of component wood—impossible given that antique fretted instruments are constructed from several types (my oldest dates to 1868 —good luck finding documentation on that). A solution: make antiques exempt. Other import-export quirks surely have similar fixes.

Mort Zuckerman: CEO, Boston Properties

End mortgage deductions

The tax code’s home-mortgage deduction favors the rich (who use taxpayer dollars to subsidize mansions), encourages people to buy homes they can’t afford, and contributed to the housing bubble, causing the current recession. It also costs taxpayers $130 billion annually. We should end it, or sharply limit it to mortgages of no more than $250,000.

Larry Thompson: Former Deputy Attorney General

Let U.S. firms compete

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act serves the important goal of discouraging bribery by U.S. companies overseas. But by making firms criminally responsible for even the most uncontrollable acts of low-level employees and agents—and ignoring any efforts to create a culture of ethics and compliance—many U.S. companies withdraw rather than face limitless exposure. As a result, less-scrupulous foreign competitors often step in, harming America’s economic vitality and, ironically, fueling the very misconduct the act was intended to reduce. The solution: make the act apply only to material misconduct and allow companies to assert a “best efforts” defense if they have effective compliance and ethics programs.

Randi Weingarten: President, AFT

360-degree education accountability

No Child Left Behind, despite admirable goals, has resulted in a misplaced focus on test prep, a narrow curriculum, and a rigid accountability that doesn’t serve the kids’ interests. The law correctly shines a light on the needs of all our children, but the current atmosphere is toxic, focusing schools on compliance rather than achievement. I suggest a 360-degree accountability system in which multiple parties—from principals to teachers to parents—are held responsible. Testing should be one of many evaluation factors, along with a culture of order and respect, attendance, and individual improvement. Under these redefined objectives, all stakeholders would answer to each other.

David Stockman: Ex-Director, OMB

Break up big banks

Our banking system remains a dangerous mix of leverage, bad assets, and speculation, which the ineffective Dodd-Frank financial reform did nothing to cure. The top six banks are 30 percent bigger than before the crisis ($9.2 trillion of assets)—yet they are wards of the state, utterly dependent upon deposit insurance and the Fed’s cheap money. Strip these crutches and the problem will be largely solved. Banks that are “too big to fail” are too big to exist, and should be broken up, not coddled by a 2,000-page enabling act for lobbyists, lawyers, and Beltway fixers.

Michael Lynton: CEO, Sony Pictures

Ban foreign IP pirates

The digital theft of intellectual property damages a wide swath of U.S. industries, from entertainment and software to fashion and biotech. And the problem’s getting worse as pirates build offshore websites to sell stolen IP goods. Senators Pat Leahy and Orrin Hatch are crafting legislation giving law enforcement the power to require Internet service providers to block international websites that traffic in bootleg products. It’s a whack-a-mole task, but a bigger hammer will whack more counterfeit moles out of business. Great news for America’s creative economy, businesses, and workers.


Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2332 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.


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DJP Update 4-9-2011 A book about PPACA; Significant items regarding PPACA in Continuing Resolution passed to avert government shutdown; Some Tweets

DJP Update 4-9-2011 A book about PPACA; Significant items regarding PPACA in Continuing Resolution passed to avert government shutdown; Some Tweets

Evidence is accumulating that the new healthcare law, PPACA, will not work.  As you know, I have given my opinion that it is a disaster during the debate in Congress and after passage.  My views on government involvement in medical care have not changed since my first testimony to Congress in 1976.   As you know, from previous DJP Updates.

I don’t think PPACA will survive.  Three reasons:

1- See Book below in Item One.

2- See points in Items Two about PPACA in Continuing Resolution passed last night to avert government shutdown.  There will be a Senate vote.  In past Senate refused to take up the repeal bill passed by House of Representatives.  And see the IRS issue and the studies agreed to.

3- My opinion is U.S. Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional by a vote of 5-4.

Those who jumped on the PPACA train may want to reconsider their position after reading the book I recommend below in item one.  It is a powerful documentation of why the law is failing and why it needs to be repealed.  The alternative approach given in the book to health system reform, pages 206-207, is, in my opinion,  in sync with AMA policy developed by AMA House of Delegates that I advocated on behalf of AMA when I was on the board and during my presidency year.  The only item I wished the authors had stressed was the right to privately contract and balance-bill.  That is the hallmark of the Free Enterprise System.  We lost liberty with government price-fixing.  Privately contracting is not specifically stated in the checklist but in recommendation 12 (page 207) of checklist, it does state “Provide more options for Medicaid recipients, Medicare beneficiaries, and others on public programs to escape the restrictions that inevitably come from price controls and government micromanagement.”

Strongly recommend you get and read the book mentioned in ITEM ONE.  If you still are in favor of PPACA after reading the book, please read again when you have no distractions.

It is never too late to change one’s opinion in the fact of new evidence.  Facts don’t cease to exist.  Words mean something except when they are put forth in Humpty Dumpty fashion to obscure what is really intended or give leeway to have it mean whatever suits the speaker or writer.  Actions have consequences.  You will see more of that discussion in the new chapters of my book, ON LEADERSHIP, when it arrives in bookstores in May.

ITEM ONE:  Book highly recommended is “WHY OBAMACARE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA” by Grace-Marie Turner, James C. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller, and Robert E. Moffit

More details and how to order at:




Here is more info about the significance of items included in the Continuing Resolution passed last night to prevent a government shutdown.  This info is in an action alert from the Independent Women’s Voice.

Heather R. Higgins

President & CEO

Independent Women’s Voice

  • GUARANTEES SENATE VOTE ON REPEAL OF OBAMACARE. The agreement reached with Senate Democrats guarantees a Senate debate and vote on legislation that would repeal President Obama’s government takeover of health care in its entirety.  The House passed such legislation in January as part of the Pledge to America.
  • NEW TOOLS IN THE FIGHT TO REPEAL OBAMACARE. The agreement will generate new tools for the fight to repeal Obamacare by requiring numerous studies that will force the Obama Administration to reveal the true impact of the law’s mandates, including a study of how individuals and families will see increased premiums as a result of certain Obamacare mandates; a full audit of all the waivers that the Obama Administration has given to firms and organizations – including unions – who can’t meet the new annual coverage limits; a full audit of what’s happening with the comparative effectiveness research funding that was in Obamacare and the president’s failed “stimulus” spending bill; and a report on all of the contractors who have been hired to implement the law and the costs to taxpayers of such contracts.
  • DENIES ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO THE IRS. The Obama administration has sought increased federal funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – money that could be used to hire additional agents to enforce the administration’s agenda on a variety of issues.  This increased funding is denied in the agreement.


Here are some recent tweets I did

Click on links in tweets to go to articles.  Most deal with possible government shutdown but others are not related to government spending or medical care but I find the topics interesting (For example, the iPad!)


LAGNIAPPE:  Range of motion increasing daily in my right arm after recent rotator cuff surgery.  I am thankful for modern medical advances and wonderful doctors in America.  I hope our grandchildren have the same opportunity for great medical care.

PHOTO FUN: See images I mentioned in last update on my technique of painting with light.   First is my cover photo in March/April issue of Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society

Click on AURA 3 WOMEN FIDDLERS and then on JUKEBOX DREAM links at bottom of page.  Hope your monitor portrays colors accurately as these images are color intensive and some old monitors distort.

Here is the Weblink for the two images:

Stay well.


P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

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Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2332 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.


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DJP Update 4-7-2011 Media alert re Leadership; Weblink to testimony Medical Liability; Recent tweets; Lagniappe: photo fun

DJP Update 4-7-2011 Media alert re Leadership; Weblink to testimony Medical Liability; Recent tweets; Lagniappe: photo fun

1- Media alert re leadership: Will discuss 2nd edition of ON LEADERSHIP with 2 new chapters

Focus of interview will be questions about potential government shutdown, leadership of POTUS, and views on leadership qualities of other candidates for president in 2012

Tomorrow morning I will be on radio KTKZ AM 1380; Weblink is and it is broadcast live over Internet.

Time: 10:10 a.m. Eastern; 9:10 a.m Central; 7;10 a.m. Pacific etc

2- Weblink to testimony in Congress April 6, 2011 by proponents and opponents regarding H.R. 5 for medical liability reform

3- Recent Tweets;  these and more can be seen at

Click on the links in the tweets to go to stories.



LAGNIAPPE:  Two of my “painting with light” photographs were selected for March/April issue of Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society.


Inside cover: JUKEBOX DREAM

Should be in mail this week.  Will post a Weblink soon.  Lots of fun.

Stay well.


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P.S. Stop by and sign up for DJPNEWS to get tweet alerts that may not make it into DJP Updates.  Twitter is free and takes minutes to join.  Put email in and pick password.  Great source of breaking news and you don’t flood your email with it.  You can get free app for BlackBerry or IPhone etc and you check on tweets when you want.  With newer operating systems, such as SNOW LEOPARD on Mac, you can put Twitter apps on your notebook or desktop.

Also, recent selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

DJP Updates:



This DJP Update goes to 2332 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.



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