DJP Update 11-28-2012 John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog “Troubles Ahead, Troubles Behind”, and the blog of Rob Tenery, MD, former CEJA Chair

DJP Update 11-28-2012 John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog “Troubles Ahead, Troubles Behind”, and the blog of Rob Tenery, MD, former CEJA Chair

Will move on to some other blogs about health system reform now that you have been saturated with info about my new book.  But for those who said they wanted to see the TV interview of yesterday but were with patients, here is the link:–181028771.html

Now the BLOGS

A) John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog with Greg Scandlen article

“Troubles Ahead, Troubles Behind” posted November 28, 2012

Problems with implementation of PPACA

His intro to essay:

Now that the election is over, the prospect of “repeal and replace” of ObamaCare is virtually nil. But that was never the greatest threat to the law anyway. The real threat lies in implementation.
I said well before the law was enacted that is was so poorly conceived and so poorly written that it could never be implemented. That is even more evident today.
Sure, a few things were easy, like the slacker mandate, the elimination of benefit maximums, and the requirement to pay 100% for preventive services. But those were just a matter of telling the insurance companies what to do, and they did it.
But everything the government itself was supposed to do has failed. Everything.
These include: …
Complete essay at:


B) Rob Tenery, MD Blog Site
Dr. Tenery was the chair of AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) in 1999

“Why Don’t You Get In Line With Me: Posted November 19, 2012”

Concluding sentence of this essay:

“A quote that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson says it best: “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” So, as I wait for an appointment with one of the few doctors who is still willing to treat seniors, why don’t you get in line with me?

Complete essay and others at:

DJP Comments:  “Fiscal Cliff” in the news.  Politicians point fingers but reality exists and facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.  U.S.A. can’t continue to spend more money that it takes in.  More credit cards do not solve problem.  We can’t tax our way out of this problem.  Entitlements must be addressed.  Remember what the  National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare of the U.S. Congress said in 1999:

This recommendation is in three parts:
improvements to the current Medicare program, and the design of a premium support system, financing and solvency of the Medicare program.
See report at:

And be sure to read Cox and Archer article yesterday in The Wall Street Journal:
Cox and Archer: Why $16 Trillion Only Hints at the True U.S. Debt

Stay well,

Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)
DJP Updates:
YouTube:  Check out the videos.  You can post your views on your own YouTube site.
This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”
To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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DJP Update 11-26-2012: Tuesday Nov 27 big media day and book signing for “The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons”

DJP Update 11-26-2012: Tuesday Nov 27 big media day and book signing for “The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons”

Here is the TV interview.  Hope those in Louisiana can watch live and others via Internet when posted.
Here is the reporter’s bio:
and the TV station home page:

Donald Palmisano (@DJPNEWS)
11/26/12, 9:47 PM
Hope you can watch @megfarrisWWL TV interview me at 7:45 a.m. CST #NOLA re my book “The Little Red Book of #Leadership Lessons Tues 11-27

And here is the radio interview.

Radio studio will inform me Tuesday morning the exact time: either 1:10 pm or 1:30 pm CST.
You can listen in live on Internet:—Spud-McConnell/10607058
Click listen live at top of page.

or via Apple App “Wunderadio”

Donald Palmisano (@DJPNEWS)
11/26/12, 7:48 PM
On WWL Radio AM 870 + FM 105.3 #NOLA Spud McConnell Show re my book “The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons” Tues 1:10 or 1:30 pm CST

Even my high school was kind enough to help spread the word about Tuesday night book signing 5:30 – 7 pm CST at Garden District Book Shop in New Orleans!  Thanks, De La Salle!
And Tulane Med also will spread the word.  Dropped a note to wonderful Loyola President Kevin Wm. Wildes, S.J., Ph.D. as he was generous to me by awarding me the President’s Medal in 2005.

Robin has been working around the clock spreading the word via her mailing list and distributing flyers.  What a partner!

So the word is out.  I will let you know how it goes.  Always extra fun to see friends at joyful times.

Hope the New Orleans folks can drop by!  Remember, this is a book of quotes and 108 images.  As I say in the introduction:  This is a book of ideas; ideas devoted to leadership that promotes liberty.

And yes, some Steve Kelley cartoons are included!  Plus Michael Ramirez!  A fun book to write and it is in hardcover and available as an e-book with the vivid color images.

Here is another quote from my book on page 132:

Persuade me or prove to me that I am mistaken in thought or deed, and I will gladly change–for it is the truth I seek, and the truth never harmed anyone.  Harm comes from persisting in error and clinging to ignorance.
–Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Translated by C. Scot Hicks and David V. Hicks

Stay well,
Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)
DJP Updates:
YouTube:  Check out the videos.  You can post your views on your own YouTube site.
This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”
To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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DJP Update 11-23-2012: Book Signing on Tuesday, November 27! (see flyer); and more.

DJP Update 11-23-2012: Book Signing on Tuesday, November 27! (see flyer); and more.
(Sent Thanksgiving night, November 22)

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We have much to be thankful for:  our loved ones, our friends, our American citizenship, the heroes who defend our freedoms, and much more including our ability to exercise our 1st Amendment rights when organizations or our state or national government go in the wrong direction.  That is a great joy afforded to Americans and an important part of liberty.

Hope those in New Orleans and surrounding areas can come to the book signing Tuesday at a famous book shop in the Garden District of New Orleans:  Garden District Book Shop.  And those on holiday in New Orleans, drop by!

MEDIA:  I will be interviewed by Meg Farris, Health and Medicine Reporter for WWL TV in New Orleans about the book, Tuesday, Nov 27 at 7:45 a.m. CST.  Tune in!  I also hope to do radio that day too. Awaiting confirmation.

Much appreciation for those who already have obtained my new book, THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS.  Some have obtained multiple copies!  And thanks for the great reviews!  Please help spread the word for this author who is learning the joys, trials, and tribulations of the publishing world.  Nothing beats word of mouth praise of a book; Twitter and other communication avenues certainly can help.

Here is placement in Wordsmith daily email and it goes to almost a million subscribers:
The Magic of Words

Sponsor’s message
Leadership Book: Quotations and images
“The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons”. Acclaimed; Leads to liberty!

with Anu Garg

…. (rest of his letter is not reproduced, just this excerpt.  You may wish to subscribe to his Word A Day.  He gives origins of words and tells stories.  I enjoy it.)

The flyer from the Garden District Book Shop is below.  The bookshop is not far from where I grew up.  It also is near the famous Commander’s Palace restaurant.

It was wonderful seeing many of you in Hawaii at the AMA Interim Meeting.  I also attended the AMA/State Medical Societies Litigation Center’s presentation.  That entity is a jewel of AMA.  Many disagree with certain decisions of AMA, especially PPACA, but I don’t know anyone that is negative about the work of the Litigation Center.  I had the privilege to observe the work of the Center as I served on the executive committee of the Center during my tour of duty with AMA.  Congrats to all involved for a job well done.

More info about the Center at:

Stay well!  (FLYER follows)



E x c i t i n g   A u t h o r   E v e n t
Donald Palmisano

Discussion & Booksigning
Tuesday November 27, 5:30-7 PM

Donald  Palmisano grew up over a restaurant and bar in the New Orleans’ Irish Channel.  His insatiable curiosity, love of reading, and military service led to the highest echelon of American medicine leadership, serving as President of the American Medical Association in 2003-2004.

Dr. Palmisano’s latest collection of quotes from antiquity to the present reflects leadership that promotes liberty.  He personally interviewed many of the present day leaders quoted.
In the weeks following the presidential election, the question of what truly makes a good leader is on everyone’s mind. Anyone can claim to be a leader in times of calm, but crisis situations separate the true visionaries from the false ones. Recent events in global affairs make it increasingly apparent that nations must cultivate and encourage true leaders and eschew false ones if they hope to survive.
Fortunately, effective leadership is a skill that can be taught, especially through the study of exemplary figures of the past. The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons provides crucial advice for those who aspire to become effective leaders in any position.

If you cannot attend any of our events –
Call or email us to order your signed 1st editions.

Garden District Book Shop
2727 Prytania St
(corner of Washington Ave)
phone: 504-895-2266

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Garden District Book Shop | 2727 Prytania St | New Orleans | LA | 70130

Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:
Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores, Apple iBooks, Amazon, Nook now)
DJP Updates:
YouTube:  Check out the videos.  You can post your views on your own YouTube site.
This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.
To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”
To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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DJP Update 11-8-2012 – Election 2012; AMA Interim Meeting Honolulu; AAPS Meeting San Diego – The Book!

DJP Update 11-8-2012 – Election 2012; AMA Interim Meeting Honolulu; AAPS Meeting San Diego  – The Book!

Location:  Writing most of this while flying at altitude 38, 235 feet over Pacific Ocean en route to Honolulu for AMA Interim Meeting.  Now at the hotel!

Election 2012

It was the best of times,

it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom,

it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoch of belief,

it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of Light,

it was the season of Darkness,

it was the spring of hope,

it was the winter of despair,

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,…

So said Charles Dickens at the start of A Tale of Two Cities.  I first read that as a child when I noted the book in the small library of my maternal grandparents in a cottage they had in Abita Springs, Louisiana.  The past is prologue for the future.

That sentiment certainly holds true in the immediate post-election period.  Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives are elated with the triumph of President Obama.  But be careful about hubris.  Remember Ozymandias.

Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians are wondering how could Governor Romney lose with his successful business experience and managerial skills, including the 2002 Winter Olympics rescue from financial distress, in addition to being a successful governor.

Consider the continued accumulation of national debt.

Consider the unemployment?  What is the real number if one adds in those whose have given up looking for a job?

Consider the failure of this Administration to answer questions about the slaughter of 4 Americans in Benghazi with the appearance of actions or lack thereof bringing to mind the Keystone Cops.  Why was the most powerful military in the world not able to send timely help over a period of 7 hours when heroes and the powerful assets were available and the attack was being monitored as it occurred?  And don’t forget the warnings before the attack.  No photo ops during this disaster but photo ops for just about everything else.  Many in the national press should hang their head in shame for lack of investigative reporting and allowing this to be put off until after the election. The story will come out and a few intrepid reporters will win awards.  But in the meanwhile, what do our brave military think as they confront a clear and present danger and venture into harm’s way every day?  Do they wonder if those who have the ultimate go or no go power will not focus in situations when time is of the essence? Do they wonder if they will be allowed to remain in harm’s way for some political agenda?  Those are valid questions that need debate and answers.

Consider the failure to produce a budget, and no Senate Democrat or Republican voting for the President’s proposed budget.

Consider Solyndra bankruptcy and claims of crony capitalism.

Consider Fast and Furious with another brave American killed and still the questions not answered.  No results of investigations until after the election.  Wouldn’t it be important to know the answers about Fast and Furious AND Benghazi before voting?  I think so.   Too bad for America.  The finger-pointing will start soon.  Transparency is critical for the leaders of our great Nation.

Consider the lack of real plan to get us out of this mess of borrowing and spending.

Enough of this.  Perhaps many of you will consider it a waste of time.  But I worry greatly about our land of liberty.  The proclamations from our government appear all show and no action plans.  It brings to mind the Brownian motion I describe as a lack of leadership in ON LEADERSHIP.  Let us hope that the Administration and Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, focus on America during the next 4 years and put principles above politics.

I have not been writing as many DJP Updates as some of you have noted.  My reason is the Twitter universe.  It forces a person to be pithy (140 characters) and it is an excellent way to follow breaking news and share your views.  I recommend it to you.

Go to my Twitter postings @DJPNEWS and you can see the recent tweets about the election, Benghazi, and other items I consider important.  One posting today is about some species of rats who never get cancer.  Lots of potential for humans with more research on the gene that kills cancer!

Potential! Find Wired UK Ian Steadman: “Why Blind Mole Rats Don’t Get Cancer” Gene prevents #cancer – 2 other species: cells suicide if ca.
11/8/12 7:33 PM

I also wrote that PPACA gets a reprieve for now.

Election = #PPACA reprieve. Voters get consequences: price-fixing, gov mandates, regs, + taxes = loss of access to care. #LearningHardWay
11/7/12 6:20 PM

You may find it interesting to contrast what we will talk about at this AMA meeting with the topics discussed at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) in San Diego.  I presented there as I previously mentioned to you.  AAPS just released videos and mp3 audio of all of the talks.  You can view/hear the presentations for no charge.  Check out the topics if you don’t have time to view videos or listen to mp3s now.

Go to:

I continue to believe that the sad state of AMA membership, perhaps 15% of physicians in America are full dues paying members, is due to a feeling that AMA does not represent those in private practice.  (I await AMA to release the breakdown of AMA members:  How many members total?  How many reduced dues (students and residents)?  More physicians are becoming employed and believe the employer handles all advocacy.

Certainly, AMA support of PPACA was a big factor in the drop in membership.  And what did that yield?  Still price-fixing with SGR and now the IPAB of PPACA.  Sort of like the results of Solyndra.   And the reasoning that more Americans are covered?  With what? One is the expansion of Medicaid, the failed program that price-fixes below the cost of delivering care and leads to the majority of specialists not taking referrals of Medicaid patients.  And multiple millions still uninsured.  No doubt others strongly will disagree with my comments.  But that is the advantage of living in America.  We can express our opinions.  And time will tell which view is correct.  Don’t bet on PPACA.

I believe you will see organizations, many new, vying for membership of doctors in America with the pitch that AMA doesn’t represent them.  Doctors are looking for the next Dr. Ed Annis.  Dr. Annis was a hero to me.  He understood liberty and the absence of coercion.   I miss his counsel.  Again, time will tell if AMA emerges again to be a voice leading the way for ethical science-based medicine or will it be considered a go-along with the politicians in order to have a “seat at the table.”

But make no mistake, the people who come to these meetings are serious and want to do right for their patients.  My association with AMA over many years has given me the opportunity to make new friends across this great Country and to learn from many of the staff of AMA, talented people who know how to carry out a mission.  But we have to make sure we, the House of Delegates and the Board and EVP, have the vision and courage for success.

Onward to a successful meeting!

Now an update on the book!  Thanks to all who have purchased a copy of my new book!  The reviews are coming in for The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons and I am pleased with the multiple 5-Star reviews at Amazon. Book signings at the AAPS meeting and at my speech to the GAMPAC at the Annual Meeting of MAG were a great success.

Here are a few more quotes from the book:

PAGE 56:

Courage is needed for action.  Knowing what to do without action is akin to Brownian motion, purposeless shaking in the same location.  It is not leadership.  Leadership is movement toward the goal.


Never mistake motion for action.

–Ernest Hemingway

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Being willing is not enough; we must do.

–Leonardo Da Vinci

The person who embodies leadership for me is Nelson Mandela.

Mandela inspired the world with his strength and courage in leading the fight against apartheid. . . . Many great leaders show courage, but Mandela, who was imprisoned for 27 years, coupled that courage with compassion and the ability to forgive.

—Melinda French Gates, Letter to DJP, June 25, 2007

PAGE 60:

Any man can shoot a gun, and with practice he can draw fast and shoot accurately, but that makes no difference. What counts is how you stand up when somebody is shooting back at you.

—Louis L’Amour

PAGE 184:

Can hospitals incent staff to be more efficient by enhancing coordination and collaboration? Gain sharing engages physicians in targeted cost-reduction initiatives by rewarding them with a percentage of cost savings. . . . It has it advocates, but I agree with Donald Palmisano, a past AMA president, surgeon and attorney, who said, “First off, a physician has an ethical and fiduciary responsibility to do what’s in the best interest of the patient. I think it’s insulting to think that giving me an additional amount of money will make me do what I’m supposed to do.”

—Floyd D. Loop, MD, heart surgeon and CEO Cleveland Clinic 1989-2004, Leadership and Medicine

PAGE 204:

The power which a multiple millionaire, who may be my neighbor and perhaps my employer, has over me is very much less that that which the smallest functionaire possesses who wields the coercive power of the state, and on whose discretion it depends whether and how I am to be allowed to live or to work.

—Fredrich von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, 1944



To those in the New Orleans area, The Garden District Book Shop is having a book signing for The Little Red Book of Leadership Lessons on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

2727 Prytania St.

New Orleans, LA, 70130

Phone: 504-895-2266

Also, the owner, Britton Trice, takes orders for signed copies and I drop by and sign.  He then mails the books to the purchaser.

For those at this Honolulu meeting, look me up to sign your book.  I sit with the Louisiana Delegation.

Thanks for your consideration!


Some past selected DJP Updates can be found at:

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

504-455-9392 fax

(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)

DJP Updates:


YouTube:  Check out the videos.  You can post your views on your own YouTube site.

This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an  email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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