DJP Update 11-16-2015: 1- R.I.P. Dr. Gustavo A. Colón; 2. The world on alert: Terrorism

1- R.I.P. Dr. Gustavo A. Pirulo Colón June 14, 1938 – November 12, 2015

Dr. Gus Colon passed away on November 12, 2015. I visited him just before he died and told him how much love there was for him. I told him he was the best of the best. The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc. has a beautiful tribute to Gus at the link immediately below. Be sure to read it. Thanks to Dr. Mark Constantian for sharing that link.

Gus was a talented plastic surgeon, a great artist whose office had compelling works he painted, an awesome stand-up comic who could keep medical audiences laughing and laughing, a fascinating historian who could mesmerize audience, and much more. He was my intern briefly in the early 60s and he and I often reflected on our first meeting in the Charity Hospital Emergency Room. Most of all, Gus was a kind loving man who treasured family and friends. He always was the first to offer help with any problem. He will be missed. Robin and I extend our sincere condolences to his family.

Here is the published newspaper obituary:

In this obituary the time and place for the services are listed:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 12:30pm at St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church, 4317 Richland Ave, Metairie 70002. Visitation at the church will begin at 10:30 am until service time.
2- Terrorism abounds in the world and the latest horror happened to innocents in Paris. It is time to show true leadership. Identify the cause. Eliminate it. Can’t do half-way measures. Otherwise it continues and will strike repeatedly.

Here is one of my tweets about terrorists in Paris:

Sad. #Terrorism : identify and eliminate. True #Leadership needed and not just poll-tested words. Vive la France!
11/13/15, 4:25 PM

Surely it is time to focus on this evil and have a strategy to eliminate it. The world truly is a dangerous place in 2015 and leadership is needed.

There are many opinions about what to do next. Here are some comments from a former chair of AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA), Rob Tenery, MD:

You may agree or disagree with Dr. Tenery but a full debate with FACTS is needed. Are we at war? If war, then no half-way measures. Our brave soldiers are at risk if we don’t give them a clear mission with full support. You can be certain that the terrorists are planning a Paris-like attack on America this very moment. Washington, D.C.? New York City again? Blowing the levees in New Orleans to recreate Katrina destruction? Time to end the political preening.

Stay well!


Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Intrepid Resources®

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)

DJP Updates: Go to this link to see previous recent DJP Updates.


YouTube: Check out the videos.

This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

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DJP Update 11-2-2015 Norman, Oklahoma – Boston, Gloucester, New York City, and New Orleans: Adventures; LAGNIAPPE

DJP Update 11-2-2015 Norman, Oklahoma – Boston, Gloucester, New York City, and New Orleans: Adventures; LAGNIAPPE

The DJP Updates are less frequent because I post daily on Twitter. As stated before, I encourage you to get on Twitter and follow individuals and organizations that interest you. No cost but a very effective way to quickly get all of the breaking news as well as learn new information about just about any topic that interests you. Remember, you don’t have to post tweets! You just can follow lots of news organizations, hobby interests, or individuals.

Click on this link to see some recent ones of the 14,500 I have posted.

This update is about recent travels, speeches, and interviews that I conducted with interesting individuals using state of the art portable equipment for a future “Enhanced Podcast” series.

I did a keynote at EXPLORE: Oklahoma Healthcare Summit August 14-15, 2015 in Norman, Oklahoma. Nice folks who showed wonderful hospitality.

I spoke on the 6 Commandments of Medicine and how to survive in the rapidly change healthcare system that interfers with the patient-physician relationship. At the reception, I also signed 250 copies of my book THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS. Lots of fun. Special thanks to Dr. Carl Hook and the Conference Chair, Shari Moore, RN, BSN. Well-organized Summit.

2- Boston: Massachusetts General Hospital Grand Rounds

Once a year, the residents get to pick the speaker for:

MGH Grand Rounds MGH-Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine – “Resident Choice Speaker” – October 22, 2015

The residents selected me for this honor and the hospitality was outstanding. Great group of folks, the residents and staff of the department. They also gave me a demonstration of their high-tech simulation lab and a special treat was a visit to The Ether Dome where the first public demonstration of inhalation anesthesia was done October 16, 1846 by dentist Dr William T.G. Morton with Dr. John Collins Warren removing a tumor from a patient’s neck. At the completion of the operation with the patient experiencing no pain, Dr. Warren turned to the doctors in the amphitheater and said, “Gentlemen, this is no humbug.”

(Dr. Crawford Long in Georgia was the first to use ether March 30, 1842.) Lots of photos on all of these adventures during the travels.

The Grand Rounds presentation gave my view how to survive as an ethical science-based physician who always does what is in the patient’s best interest regardless of what healthcare system is put forth by politicians. The 3 elements of the talk with true stories of courage to make the points about the needed leadership.
· Design of a healthcare delivery system with attention to access, quality, and cost.

· A successful system must honor the patient by including the Six Commandments of Medicine as essential. SEC-C plus 2.

· CODAC for making a persuasive 2-minute presentation to defend your views.

Dr. Mario Motta and his Telescope! Truly a passionate Galaxy Hunter! He has a 32-inch reflector in his home observatory.

After Boston, we traveled to Dr. Motta’s home for the night and enjoyed the hospitality of Mario and his wife Joyce. Unfortunately the sky was cloudy that night but a break in the clouds occurred briefly and we looked at the moon with Mario. He put the telescope on high power. Impressive!

Stories about Dr. Mario Motta’s World’s largest amateur-built telescope on top of his home.
Nice pictures in the Bostoniano article showing Mario with the telescope plus a few views of far away places!
And here is Mario at AMA with a resolution about Light-Pollution.

An excellent article that Mario gave me is in the May, 2011 issue of SKY & TELESCOPE.
Unfortunately it is not available online to non-subscribers.

This is part of the Lagniappe of being involved with national medical organizations. You get to meet smart people all over our great Land of Liberty. I try to find out what the individual’s passion is outside of Medicine. Mario is just one example. Sometimes you meet individuals who have completely different views of how the health system should evolve but that should not deter you from inquiring and listening to the person’s outside interests. With friendship, it is easier to reach solutions to problems.

My wife’s favorite city to visit! After departing Boston, we went to Manhattan. I had business with my publisher on new projects and was able to record interviews with interesting people who will be featured in future podcasts, including the head of Skyhorse Publishing, Tony Lyons, as well as attorney and best-selling author Philip Howard (The Death of Common Sense, etc.)

We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, visit the 9/11 Museum and Memorial (powerful memorial and sad), One World Observatory, Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island. We met friends from business and did touring with them. Tuesday night Robin and I had the pleasure of celebrating Dr. Bob Rigolosi’s birthday with his wife Professor Elaine, dear friends!

Lots of pictures during the visit that may find their way into Nature’s Reflections®! I also visited the wonderful Hemingway exhibit at the Morgan Library and Museum. The exhibit ends January 31, 2016. A must see exhibit if you have an interest in writing. It shows drafts of manuscripts with the changes he made. In the manuscript of THE SUN ALSO RISES, he told his editor Maxwell Perkins to discard the first two chapters on the advice of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the book then started at chapter 3! Great fun and I learned a lot. Took lots of notes about technique for my novel. Before leaving the museum, I visited again Mr. Morgan’s private rare book vault. I inserted a photo of it in my book, THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS. Photo taken on a previous visit when writing the book. After leaving the MORGAN, Robin remembered The Authors Guild was nearby and we made it there before it closed. As a member, I learn a lot from this organization about book contracts. Great visit with General Counsel and Assistant Director, Jan Constantine, who is a fun person to know.

And yes, we got to see the “Woman in Gold” Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer painted by Gustav Klimt in 1907. It is at the Neue Gallerie in Manhattan.

The 2015 movie Woman in Gold tells the story on the big screen.

More on the story of the painting stolen by the Nazis and the battle to get it back 50 years later is at:


I will make a co-presentation with attorney Darrell Ranum of The Doctors Company (TDC) in New Orleans this Thursday at the 2015 PIAA Claims and Risk Management / Patient Safety Workshop – Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA) on behalf of TDC whose board I sit on. The talk is entitled Normal Recovery or Complication: The Risks of Post-Operative Care. This presentation is an expansion of our article published in the Bulletin of The American College of Surgeons June 1, 2013. See:


My wife Robin brought home today the November/December 2015 issue of Louisiana Life Magazine. The orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Felix “Buddy” Savoie, who operated via scopes and a regional block on my rotator cuff problem in March of 2013 is on the cover. Excellent surgeon who is a nice person. He did a great job on my shoulder and I have 100% function and no pain. Dr. Savoie is Tulane Sports Medicine Chief, world-famous, and operates on many high-profile athletes (I certainly am not a high-profile athlete but he did the same wonderful job on me.) His special interest is the shoulder and elbow. Read the article here:

And here is the cover with Dr. Savoie:

Enjoy the read!

Finally, some Louisiana Gumbo advice for taking the time to read this lengthy DJP Update!

TOUR de GUMBO article in November issue of New Orleans Magazine:
Lots of pictures and advice! If you have not had the wonderful Gumbo and Turtle Soup in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana, it needs to be on your Things to Do list!

Finally, if anyone is coming to New Orleans for PIAA or any other meeting, here is a list of my favorite New Orleans restaurants:


Stay well!


Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Intrepid Resources®

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office


(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)

DJP Updates:


YouTube: Check out the videos.

This DJP Update goes to over 2300 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.

You can share it with your members and it has the potential to reach 800,000 physicians.

To join the list, send me an email stating “Join DJP Update”

To get off the list, state ” Remove DJP Update” in subject line.

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