DJP Update 2-21-2015 Mardi Gras excitement; 200 mile run (100 miles by DJP Jr) for worthy cause; Prayers for a friend

DJP Update 2-21-2015 Mardi Gras excitement; 200 mile run (100 miles by DJP Jr) for worthy cause; Prayers for a friend

1- Mardi Gras in New Orleans
This year’s Mardi Gras especially was exciting because we had two friends, a married couple from Sausalito, California, who visited us for their first Mardi Gras.

We checked into the Windsor Court to avoid the traffic and barricades to and from parades. Of course we visited many of the restaurants on my favorite restaurant list.

And yes, the first meal was at Tony Angello’s in the private wine room with the “Feed Us” request rather than ordering from a menu. Wonderful as usual.

Fat Tuesday was spent in the French Quarter watching the sights and getting interesting photos. Captured over 700 images!

Our friends were in the Mardi Gras spirit and caught lots of beads! The husband served our in the U.S. Military as a Marine and the National WWII Museum was a must see stop.

Great fun!

2- Donald Jr and the 100 mile run. (Total run event is 200 miles).

The Medical Association of Georgia (MAG) Foundation is sponsoring this event.

Actually the event is a 200 miles run and DJP Jr will run the first 100 miles and a colleague will run the next 100 miles to raise money to fight prescription drug abuse.

$15K & climbing: Help MAG’s CEO raise $25K for MAG Foundation effort to reduce Rx drug abuse
Click to make donation/pledge to ‘Team Think About It’
The Medical Association of Georgia (MAG) is encouraging member physicians and other individuals and corporate sponsors to support MAG Executive Director Donald J. Palmisano Jr. and outside legal counsel Trey Reese (with Hall Booth Smith) with a donation when they run a 200-mile race to raise $25,000 for the MAG Foundation’s ‘Think About It’ campaign to reduce prescription drug abuse in the state. The fundraising goal was recently increased from $10,000 to $25,000 given an overwhelming response in the first week. Palmisano and Reese will each run 100 miles during the Umstead Endurance Race that will take place near Raleigh, North Carolina on March 28-29. Sponsors can support the duo – aka ‘Team Think About It’ – with a flat donation or a per-mile pledge. Palmisano has personally pledged $1,000, and 100% of all donations will go to the ‘Think About It’ campaign. Contact Lori Cassity Murphy at or 678.303.9282 with questions.
‘Team Think About It’ Goal: $25,000

‘Team Think About It’ Amount Raised: $15,625*

Endurance Sponsors ($2,000)


3- A wonderful physician friend is ill: Dr. Ronnie French. For those with good spiritual contacts, say some prayers for him. I visited him in the hospital today and he gave me permission to mention he was ill and he would welcome prayers. Some of you know Ronnie from medical practice in New Orleans and others know him for his innovation invention of the emergency airway device “LIFESTAT” you can carry on your keyring. See link below.


Stay well,

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS

Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company

5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432

Metairie, LA 70006


504-455-5895 office

(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)

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