DJP Update 12-19-2013 Op-Ed by 3 former presidents AMA re PPACA (ACA – “Obamacare”): Failure and alternative model

DJP Update 12-19-2013 Op-Ed by 3 former presidents AMA re PPACA (ACA – “Obamacare”):  Failure and alternative model

Drs. Bill Plested, Daniel “Stormy” Johnson, and I wrote an Op-Ed about the failing healthcare law, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and gave an alternative model that will work.

Here are the concepts we tried to convey:

The reality check that Americans are now facing is that Obamacare is not at all what was promised, and never was.  The silver lining to this charade is simply that the false promises did accurately reflect the reforms that Americans really want.  Any replacement for Obamacare must address 3 basic necessities – choice, control, and cost:  the 3 C’s.

CHOICE:  Patient makes choice of physician and hospital when needed.

CONTROL:  Patient makes choice of treatment after adequate information received via “Informed Consent”.

COST:  Controlled by competition, transparency, purchase of insurance across state lines, fixing broken medical liability system, Health Savings Accounts (makes a prudent purchaser)


The current law, PPACA, will decrease access to choice of physicians, cost more, and decrease quality of care.


It should be noted that the alternative proposal we offered is all in the policy of the American Medical Association (AMA) and it is information that we shared with the world when we were on the road for AMA during our time on the Board and as presidents. It is policy developed by the House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the AMA.

I am on a couple of doctor listservs and I note the grassroot doctors are encouraging each other to write Op-Eds, get on radio and TV, and go to townhalls to explain how PPACA is adversely affecting the practice of medicine.  Drs. Plested and Dr. Johnson are following that advice and I am happy to join them in The Daily Caller Op-Ed.  I have learned a lot from them over the years.  We wrote this as individuals and not as representatives of any organization.  We are doctors and patients.  We are Americans and are fortunate to live in this great Nation where we can express our opinions without the government breaking down our door and taking us away in the middle of the night.

The Op-Ed is published at THE DAILY CALLER today 12-19-2013.  Here is the link:

Obamacare is doomed to failure, and the sooner that happens, the sooner we can fix it

The Daily Caller has a large following.  Here is info from its Website:

“The Daily Caller readership has grown to more than 9 million unique visitors per month and draws more than 40 million monthly pageviews.”

Read more about The Daily Caller:


Share this email with your medical societies.  Write your own opinions.  A disaster is unfolding and all doctors need to get involved.  Imagine the chaos starting starting January 1 when patients arrive for treatment and are not sure if they have insurance and the doctors and hospitals are not sure if they are on the insurance company panel of approved doctors and hospitals.

I will tweet the link out shortly.  Please retweet.

Stay well.

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)
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