DJP Update 11-19-2010 Breaking News! F.D.A pulls Darvon from market; LAGNIAPPE: Former Chair CEJA speaks out…

DJP Update 11-19-2010 Breaking News! F.D.A pulls Darvon from market; LAGNIAPPE: Former Chair CEJA speaks out in blog on Medical Profession today & PPACA

Darvon Pulled From Market by F.D.A.


The pain-killing drugs Darvon, Darvocet and their generic ingredient propoxyphene are being removed from the market because of serious heart risks, the Food and Drug Administration announced on Friday.

The agency recommended that doctors and pharmacists immediately stop prescribing the drug and contact patients to advise them to throw it away and switch to another pain-killer.


Also, see MedpageToday article:

Darvon Pulled from Market


John Gever, Senior Editor, MedPage Today
Published: November 19, 2010

WASHINGTON — The FDA has asked manufacturers of painkillers containing propoxyphene — best known under the brand names Darvon and Darvocet — to stop selling the drugs because of the potential for serious cardiac arrhythmias.

Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals has agreed to remove Darvon and Darvocet from the market and generic producers are expected to follow suit, according to the FDA.

Darvon contains only propoxyphene as an active ingredient, whereas Darvocet combines it with acetaminophen.

According to John Jenkins, MD, director of the FDA’s Office of New Drugs, the agency’s decision was prompted by results of a safety study it had ordered Xanodyne to conduct.

The study tested patients with electrocardiography and showed that QT interval abnormalities occurred in users even at approved doses.


LAGNIAPPE: Dr. Rob Tenery, Former Chair of CEJA (Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of AMA), speaks out on current state of Medicine and PPACA

Tweet at:

Former chair #CEJA – Council Ethical & Judicial Affairs #AMA speaks out 11-11-2010 at blog #PPACA #hcr


and another sample tweet from DJPNEWS:

#Congress: tell us not what you are going to do; show us deeds! Words stir passion; action reveals character. #Leadership #tcot1:16 AM Nov 15th 2010

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