DJP Update 11-1-2013 Some doctor friends in the news; LAGNIAPPE: Paracord bracelets

DJP Update 11-1-2013 Some doctor friends in the news; LAGNIAPPE: Paracord bracelets

One of the joys of being involved over the years in organized medicine at the local and national level is the opportunity to meet dedicated doctors and staff of organizations throughout the USA (and beyond) and make new friends.

Here are examples of two friends in the news.  I know you can share others but I mention these individuals as illustrative of the dedication of physicians throughout the nation.

1- Dr. Robert S. Rigolosi received THE SPIRIT OF HEALING AWARD October 12, 2013, from Holy Name Medical Center for his medical achievements and commitment to outstanding patient care.  As most of you know, Bob is the current chair of the New Jersey Delegation the the AMA.

He received the award at THE FOUNDERS BALL held at a gala event at Pier Sixty in New York City.  Robin and I attended and it was truly gala.  Robin and I sat next to the wonderful Dr. Walter and Susan Kahn at the event.  Great fun.  Dr. Rigolosi has many achievements including creating a facility that is a model for hospital-based dialysis centers throughout the United States.  A brunch with Bob and Elaine, his professor wife and author, gave us the opportunity to visit further.

Bob’s medical accomplishments are well-known but here are two little known facts that I learned years ago when AMA president and visiting New Jersey.

a)  Bob was a champion boxer who made it to the finals in 1956 for the American boxing team for the Olympics.  He was offered an alternate spot but turned it down to finish his last semester in pre-med.  Because of his boxing experience and fluency in Italian, Bob was called to the 1960 Olympics in Rome and “asked to chaperone an 18-year-old Cassius Clay, who went on to win the gold medal and then changed his name to Muhammad Ali.”

See more at:

b)  In addition, Bob was an actor in a number of Italian movies.  Love the posters of Bob in the movies!

Remember, every doctor you meet has a story outside of Medicine!

2-  Dr. Monica Wehby, pediatric neurosurgeon and member of the AMA Board of Trustees, is running for the United States Senate from Oregon!

If there is anyone who has not met Monica, that person is in for a real treat.  I had the privilege to testify with her before the Oregon Senate when I was AMA president advocating for medical liability reform in Oregon.  She is a dedicated neurosurgeon, smart, and articulate.  She does a great job testifying and handling questions using her experience as a neurosurgeon treating very ill children.  Check out her Website and Twitter posts.  See below.


Twitter:  @MonicaForOregon

She is running against an incumbent and the campaign will be expensive.  Help her out with your support, including donations!  More details at her Website.  It is a nice Website and has a great photo of Monica.  Also, be sure to watch the terrific video on on the home page.

Here is an excerpt from the “WHY I’M RUNNING” link from her home page.

“That pioneer spirit that our state was founded upon is under attack by a federal government that wants to control every aspect of our lives, our education, our healthcare system, and our businesses.  When I talk to small business owners they are very concerned about all these new regulations, new laws, new taxes coming out of Washington D.C..  They don’t know whether to invest and grow their business, or hold back and see what happens to this economy.  They don’t feel like they have a senator who is looking out for them.”

LAGNIAPPE:  I always enjoy hearing of entrepreneurial adventures.  That is an important part of the American Spirit.  The individual who is the Webmaster for my Websites, Intrepid and On Leadership, decided to make paracord bracelets (made of parachute cord) and offer them for sale.  I noticed his “WhoDat” version on his wrist.  I ordered the same for myself and Robin.  Oldest daughter requested one too and she now has it.  These bracelets can be taken apart for 9 feet of very strong cord if needed for emergencies on camping trips etc.  Also, the WhoDat version has a whistle built in.

Fun.  Check it out:

Close up of “WhoDat” below:

Finally, here is Webmaster Bart Colosino on YouTube demonstrating how to make a paracord bracelet:

Stay well.

Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
(Author of ON LEADERSHIP (2008, 2011 2nd edition) and THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF LEADERSHIP LESSONS (2012 & in bookstores and AMAZON now!)
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