DJP Update 6-28-2012 Supreme Court decision on PPACA and DJP on PBS NewsHour tonight

DJP Update 6-28-2012 Supreme Court decision on PPACA and DJP on PBS NewsHour tonight

What a day!  SCOTUS ruled PPACA constitutional (5-4) except the Medicaid expansion, namely, the Medicaid expansion violates the Constitution by threatening states with the loss of their existing Medicaid funding if they decline to comply with the expansion.

A very important part of the decision is the individual mandate was found not to be permitted under the Commerce Clause  nor can it be sustained under the Necessary and Proper Clause.
But, the individual mandate was found to be constitutional because the Court declared it a tax.  A TAX!  One of many in the law.

Not using the Commerce Clause is VERY IMPORTANT.  If it had been used, that would give the potential for massive expansion of government power.

A very long opinion.  I am studying it.

Now the battle will continue in Congress and at the ballot box.

Do your homework, have courage, and don’t give up.  I still believe PPACA is a disaster and will fail if not repealed.  There is a better way to increase access, maintain quality, and decrease costs.    You can find it in AMA PolicyFinder.  You also can find it in Op-Eds by for AMA presidents Drs. Bill Plested, Stormy Johnson, and myself.

PPACA will decrease access to care with the price-fixing and tangled web of regulations that frustrate doctors and patients.

You can check some of the tweets I did from the front of the  Supreme Court today.  Includes a photo plus a brief video to show crowds.  But I am confident you will see the same scenes via TV.

I will on PBS NewsHour tonight.  There will be a panel of four..  I will be the physician on the panel.  Tune in.

Our segment is scheduled live at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.

Stay well.  Don’t give up!


Stay well!


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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
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