DJP UPDATE 5-21-2011 Great trip to NYC for TV interview and more; AMA and multiple medical & specialty societies sign on for support of balance-billing in Medicare; MAG; LAGNIAPPE

DJP UPDATE 5-21-2011 Great trip to NYC for TV interview and more;  AMA and multiple medical & specialty societies sign on for support of balance-billing in Medicare; MAG; LAGNIAPPE

Robin and I had a great trip to New York City.  TV interview, a meeting with Philip Howard of Common Good (one of the most creative persons I know), a visit to my publisher, Skyhorse Publishing (who just bought another company and moved to new headquarters!), and dinner with a client of Intrepid Resources who has become a dear friend over many years of association.  And Robin even figured how to get in an afternoon Broadway play even though she attended all of the activities I attended.  She is full of energy and loves NYC.  I missed the play.
The in-studio interview on Fox and Friends in New York City took place May 18. I was the first person interviewed that day on the show.  It went very well.  A giant copy of the book was evident in the background during the interview.
Also the book was shown by itself on the screen.  If you did not have time to see the interview, you can see it online at YouTube at my IntrepidResources site.  Segment only takes 4 minutes and 5 seconds to view.
and click on May 18, 2011 interview
go to:
Parts of the interview were shown over and over again during other hours of the show.  The hot issue:  waivers given to the PPACA law and the high percentage in former speaker’s district.
Also, my book made the top of the Fox & Friends Reading List

Fox & Friends Reading List

  • ‘On Leadership’
    unknown.jpgFrom the publisher
    Leadership is a skill that can be taught, especially through the study of exemplary figures of the past. In each chapter of ‘On Leadership,’ Dr. Donald J. Palmisano cites an example of positive or negative action as a source from which to glean essential leadership lessons |Click here to learn more
Thanks to all who have written me about their purchase of multiple copies of book to give as gifts.  I wish everyone in Congress could read the book because the last two chapters (the new chapters) give a powerful message from the majority of Americans. If only Congress would listen before the USA goes bankrupt and also destroys innovation, incentive, and access to care.  Some on the list may not like these thoughts as they wish to continue full speed ahead in the direction we are going now but it would be a sad state of affairs if we sat silently by and did not voice opinions on how to preserve the liberty that we enjoyed because of others dying to protect our freedoms.  Yes, and Happy Armed Forces Day! Thank a veteran and those currently in the military. I honor them always by wearing my JCOC63 pin that you see on my coat in the TV video above.
ITEM TWO:  Balance Billing

Balance Billing

2009 letter from AMA

Under Medicare, certain physicians may opt to bill patients a portion of what Medicare does not cover for medical services. This is called “balance billing” but Medicare strictly limits how much physicians may balance bill their patients. Many private payers also restrict or prohibit physicians from balance billing their patients.

Representative Tom Price (R-GA-6) has sponsored a bill, H.R. 1384, supporting the AMA’s stance on balance billing.

Letter to Rep Price supporting his introduction of HR 1384 balance billing legislation March 18, 2009


May 5, 2011 Letter from AMA

Medicare Patient Empowerment Act

Rep. Tom Price, MD (R-GA) introduced H.R. 1700, the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act, on May 3, 2011
(see summary). This bill, in line with AMA policy, would allow Medicare patients and their physicians to enter into private contracts without penalty to either party. It would enable beneficiaries to use their Medicare benefits to see physicians who do not accept Medicare, as opposed to paying for the entire cost of their care out-of-pocket as required under current law.


Thanks to those who have advocated this important liberty right over the years and AMA explicit policy since 1993.  And special thanks to those, such as the Coalition of State Medical and National Specialty Societies who have refused to let this critical issue be forgotten.
See this link:
This Coalition testimony left no doubt what the message was.  It was stated in the oral testimony, not hidden in the printed submission.  Good example of FOCUS!

A point never to forget: Dr. Williamson told the subcommittee – which includes MAG member and Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. – that the government has the right to determine what it will pay toward medical care, but it doesn’t have the right to determine the value of that medical care. “This value determination should ultimately be made by the individual patient,” he pronounced.
(DJP Comment: That is consistent with LIBERTY!)

The Coalition of State Medical and National Specialty Societies is made up of 16 member groups that 

represent some 90,000 physicians. With some 6,000 members, MAG is the leading voice for the medical

profession in Georgia. Go to for more information.

In my view, the AMA Website should have this issue in BOLD print on the home page of AMA in addition to doing a powerful ad campaign on radio and TV.  Republicans and Democrats need to pay attention to this important issue.  Price-fixing will continue to decrease access to care.  Then the doctors will be blamed.
The AMA June meeting, as always, will be interesting.  In the near future we will witness a resurgence of activism or, alternatively,  a dying profession, strangled by government.  The future is in our hands.  Will future generations say doctors just groused around the coffee pot, or went along to get along, or remembered the honored traditions of Medicine and fought bravely to prevent encroachment on the ethical science-based practice of Medicine?  Time will tell and it won’t be a long time from now.
And a tip of the hat to Medical Association of Georgia.  A job well done!

05.12 Gov. Deal signs prompt pay bill into law

Gov. Nathan Deal has signed the “prompt pay” bill (H.B. 167) into law. The measure will require third party administrators to pay paper claims in 30 days and electronic claims in 15 days, respectively, or address why they haven’t done so.”Our sincere thanks to Governor Deal for his vision and leadership,” MAG President Dan DeLoach, M.D., said of the development. “This is going to enhance the practice environment and access to care in the state.”


Off to Washington, DC area on Monday for patient safety meetings:  Board of Governors NPSF and Annual Congress!  Plane travel with all of the screening and exposure to X-Rays  wears a person out!  Meanwhile, the majority of the Southern border is porous.


LAGNIAPPE: Check out this quick photo I took with the iPhone as the plane approached NYC and I noted the Empire State Bldg piercing the clouds.  STANDING TALL!  Double click on image to enlarge it.

Stay well and hug a loved one!  Everyone loves to be appreciated.


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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, LA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
This DJP Update goes to 2331 leaders in Medicine representing all of the State Medical Associations and over 100 Specialty Societies plus some other friends.
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