DJP Update 11-7-2010 DJPNEWS tweets of yesterday and today: Leadership, AMA, & Saints – Parallels

DJP Update 11-7-2010 DJPNEWS tweets of yesterday and today:  Leadership, AMA, & Saints – Parallels

DJP Comment:  I see analogy with Saints for AMA.  Read tweets in reverse order; start at bottom of list and work up.  If you want to see all tweets emerging from all in House of Delegates using hashmark #AMAmtg : go to and put in search engine there the hashmark #AMAmtg

Wish I could be at meeting!

If you want to see my tweets, go to

Special attention to one tweet about membership and communication (3rd one down on list).  Membership is falling in AMA.  Probably 15% or less.  The way to enhance it is:

1- Follow long-standing House of Delegates policy of AMA in PolicyFinder (found on AMA Website and can be downloaded).  As you know well from previous DJP Updates at , don’t support PPACA without getting AMA policy included:  Medical liability reform, Private-contracting, keep the patient in control with the doctor as trusted advisor, etc.  But I repeat myself.  Sorry.

2- Enhance communication to all doctors in America.  One immediate way is to allow the public to watch the debate at AMA House of Delegates, including reference committees.  The world will understand the pro and con of policy decided.  THEN allow MEMBERS OF AMA to to put in their password and watch debate of Board of Trustees.  Get transparency!  This also allows accountability to follow!

I have advocated this for years from floor of House of Delegates and when I was on AMA Board.  Yet it has not occurred.  Membership game plan in place is failing rapidly.  Time for innovation.  The technical tools are available;  we just need the WILL to do it.  Brownian Motion is no longer an option.  Let’s make AMA a champion again!
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Public; mem benefit BoT RT @HobbsOBG: RT @DJPNEWS: ….#AMAmtg Communication! Membership! –> should it be public – or member benefit only?
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Wife Robin coined term YippityWhoDat to exclaim when World Champ #Saints win! Hope same applies #AMAmtg #YippityWhoDat#WhoDat #NOLA #NFL
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

High tech equipment available today: disappointing #AMAmtg & ref comm can’t be viewed from afar by other docs. Communication! Membership!
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

World Champ #Saints win 34-3 v. #Panthers despite some mediocre games earlier; #AMA can rise again after support dismal#PPACA #AMAmtg #NFL
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

As #AMA delegates #AMAmtg give up family time to try & save American Medicine, #Saints increase score over #Panthers 34-3#NFL #NOLA
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Wow! #Saints #Greer intercepts & scores; extra point good; now 27-3 over #Panthers 3rd quarter; show same leadership #AMA#AMAmtg #NFL
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Field goal by #Hartley advances #Saints to 20-3 lead over#Panthers; meanwhile stand tall at #AMAmtg – control your destiny!#NFL
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Score 17-3 #Saints over #Panthers at half-time. To those at#AMAmtg thanks for your service; counting on you; speak up!#AMA #NFL #NOLA
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

#Saints score! Now 14-3 over #Panthers#AMAmtg #NFL #Nola
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Some pundits & politicians do not get message Nov 2 election; continued denial & spin as an addict in denial; Q? Does #AMA get it? #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

#Saints fans #AMA HoD: #Brees to #Shockey pass for touchdown. Shockey shaken up. Score: Saints 7; #Panthers 3. #AMAmtg #NFL#NOLA
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

To New Orleans #Saints fans in AMA HoD meeting San Diego: Carolina #Panthers lead 3-0; #AMAmtg #NOLA #NFL
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Commencement Address on my 6 Commandments of Medicine;#PPACA fails the test; fix AMA direction!
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

My approach to policy: satisfy my 6 Commandments Med: SEC-C (Science-Ethics-Compassion-Courage) & Consent & Patient’s best interest #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

To AMA Delg at Reference Comm this very moment, wish you could have seen Gov Christie of NJ on #MeetThePress : Courage! Bold! #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

To #AMA Delegates: need inspiration for a tough battle against great odds? Read article about #MarcoRubio #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Let not AMA Interim Meeting end with a whimper; be bold-be clear-take dramatic action! Restore #Liberty; cut the chains of Gov#AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

AMA Delegates: read previous #DJPUpdates that have essays on#AMA actions re #PPACA Take Med back! #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Yes, balance-billing is the right to privately contract, WITHOUT penalty, regardless of what gov pays. This is America #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

1st #AMA meeting miss since 1984; Action, not just words, to save AMA; get balanced-billing restored! Forget “seat at table” #AMAmtg
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Excellent! RT @stephenfhayes Is Marco Rubio overhyped? … I think he’s probably underrated. #tcot #Leadership
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Canceled my visit to #AMA Interim-San Diego; water heater flooding! AMA updates: Dr Sewell
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

And grabs readers! RT @AdviceToWriters If you start with a bang, you won’t end with a whimper. T.S. ELIOT #writing #writetip
DJPNEWS Donald Palmisano

Inspiring! #GOP Address Via @DrBob_Southlake .. exceptional young man #MarcoRubio …listen #tcot#liberty

Stay well,

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Donald J. Palmisano, MD, JD
Intrepid Resources® / The Medical Risk Manager Company
5000 West Esplanade Ave., #432
Metairie, Louisiana USA 70006
504-455-5895 office
504-455-9392 fax
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