The Pelican Brief* - The candidate's position
on the issues Leadership |
Leadership is essential if we are to advance AMA's goals. Without effective communication, successful leadership is difficult if not impossible. Leadership - according to Robert M. Terry - is authentic (truthful) action and courage is the fuel that propels that action. Leadership is moving the organization toward the accomplishment of the Mission with courage and truth. It is not “Brownian motion” and status quo. We have greatness within our grasp; but we must have leadership and courage or greatness will elude us. Each of us must incorporate the qualities of a leader into our mind and spirit. I always remember my Dad's advice: Do your homework, have courage, and don't give up! Yes, you will meet critics. Such is life. But Theodore Roosevelt said that it was not the critic who counts; it is the man in the arena.
Continue to be a leader and bring us a bright future of Medicine, full of wonders, cures for cystic fibrosis with attenuated cold viruses carrying patches to defective DNA coding, and much more. We can do it if we try; We can do it if we remain true to the honorable profession of Medicine that puts the patient first; We can do it if we effectively communicate and build trust between us; We can do it if we unite, speak with one voice, and don't give up! Let's take control of our own destiny. Otherwise others will. If we fail, we risk a new Dark Age, a Dark Age of Medicine - full of fear, control by others, and rationing. But we will not fail! The eyes of the world are upon us. Medicine is in crisis with the out-of-control tort system and more. America needs us. We must not fail. We must not retreat into a tower of Babel but instead speak clearly with the right message, the heroic message. Words mean something! Shakespeare said in Julius Caesar:
Shakespeare also said in Henry V:
Yes, the tide is here in Congress and in American Medicine. We need to take the current to success. And those that help and those that don't need only reflect on Shakespeare again. Carpe Diem! And God Bless America and the AMA and every one of you. -DJP |